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maths activities year 1

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24 Fun KS1 Maths Games And Activities To Play At Home And School

Emma Johnson

We’ve brought together 24 of the best KS1 maths games to give teachers and parents some new ideas on how to improve pupils’ numeracy in and out of school. 

At KS1, maths games, such as multiplication games , are a great way to motivate, engage and inspire children while still having fun. Children in key stage 1 are ready to start practising and developing a whole range of maths concepts and skills, particularly their fluency and strategic thinking. 

Inevitably, some people consider these sorts of educational games to be an ‘end of term’ or ‘filler’ activity in the classroom, when they are actually an excellent way of helping children learn basic number facts and explore fundamental number concepts at any time.

When searching for fun maths games on the internet, a large number of search results are often for digital online games. While these too have their place, they aren’t always practical to manage with a class of 30. 

In this blog, I will be introducing a range of non-digital games that are interactive in a different sense. While all these maths games are all suitable for primary school children in key stage 1, you’ll find, as with many maths activities, they aren’t restricted to one year group and can be easily adapted to suit children of different ages. They can also be adapted for use in small groups and learning interventions , as well as whole class environments.

Don’t forget to download the printable resources required for a few of the KS1 maths games.

KS1 Maths games printables

KS1 Maths games printables

All the printable resources you'll need to complete these games

  • 1. Number game: battleships
  • 2. Number game: total of 10
  • 3. Number bonds game: make 10 pyramids
  • 4. Mental addition and subtraction game: bowling
  • 5. Place value game: sorting and matching
  • 7. Addition and subtraction game: grab 
  • 8. Addition game: ‘pig’
  • 9. Place value two digit number game: in the bucket
  • 10. Addition maths game: skunk

11. Addition maths game: make 20

  • 12. Maths fluency game: maths fact top it
  • 13. Addition and subtraction game: guess my number
  • 14. Shapes game: what shape am I?
  • 15. Maths dice game: ten sided dice rounding game
  • 16. Maths fractions game: snap
  • 17. Addition war
  • 18. Times tables game bang bang
  • 19. Maths, paper, scissors
  • 20. The yes / no mental maths game
  • 21. Number bond bingo
  • 22. Target 50
  • 23. Addition turnover
  • 24. Number 4 in a row

Maths games for year 1 

In year 1, children continue learning to count to 100, represent numbers in different ways and read and write numbers to 20. They are encouraged to learn their number bonds to 20, alongside the corresponding subtraction facts. Many of the games in year 1 are aimed at improving fluency and the learning of basic maths skills.

1.  Number game: battleships

In year 1, children need to be able to read and write numbers to 100. This is a great game for developing number sense and practising reading numbers.

What you will need to play:

  • A hundred square (see downloadable resource pack)

One hundred number squares in a box.

How to play:

  • Both players position themselves so they can’t see each other’s hundred square or number square .
  • Each player places counters on the hundred square to represent 3 battleships (3 counters long, 4 counters long and 5 counters long).
  • Players take it in turns to call out a number. If they hit a battleship, they take the counter. If they miss, the other player marks an x on that number on the hundred square.
  • The winner is the first player to ‘sink’ all 3 battleships.

2.  Number game: total of 10

This is a simple KS1 maths game to help children practise their number bonds to 10 and number bonds to 20

  • 1 or more players
  • A pack of cards with the picture cards removed. Ace is worth 1.

  • Shuffle the cards and lay out face up into 4 rows of 5 cards.
  • The aim of the game is to remove all the cards from the table in sets of 2 or more cards which add up to 10. E.g. an 8 and a 2 could be removed and a 3, 5 and 2 could also be removed.
  • The game can be played individually, with players trying to clear as much of the table as they can.
  • If played with other players, take it in turns to remove cards. The winner is the person to have removed the most cards by the end of the game.
  • The game can also be played using number bonds to 20, by finding cards which add up to 20.

3.  Number bonds game: make 10 pyramids

This is another fun KS1 maths game for practising number bonds to 10.

  • 1 or 2 players.
  • A pack of cards (with picture cards removed) Ace is worth 1

How to play :

  • This game can be played individually or against another player.
  • Shuffle the cards and set out in the shape of a pyramid, with 6 cards on the bottom, up to 1 card at the top. Make sure the cards are overlapping, as in the picture below.
  • The aim of the game is to remove all the cards which make 10. This can be 10 on it’s own, or 2 cards which add up to 10.
  • Only cards which aren’t covered by another card can be removed, so players have to start with the bottom row.
  • If a pair of cards which add up to 10 can’t be made, the player takes a card from the pile at the side.
  • If they still can’t make a pair, they put the card in the discard pile and take another card from the face down pile.
  • If playing with another player, each person takes it in turns to try and make 10. If playing alone, keep on going until all the cards have been used.

A pyramid of cards.

4.  Mental addition and subtraction game: bowling

This is a fun, active way of practising subtraction using subitizing and mental addition.

  • 2 or more players
  • A set of 6 bottles (to act as skittles) with circle stickers set out in patterns.
  • A tennis ball
  • Paper and pen
  • Set out the ‘skittles’ (water bottles)
  • Children take it in turns to bowl their ball.
  • They check the skittles that have been knocked over and add together the total on each skittle.
  • If they are correct, they get to keep the score from the fallen skittles. This is recorded.
  • The winner is the player with the most points at the end of the game.

5.  Place value game:  sorting and matching

In year 1, children need to be able to identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations. This sorting and matching activity is a good way to practise this skill.

  • Multi-link cubes
  • Dienes base 10
  • Using the multi-link cubes, children make stacks of varying sizes, from 1 to 10 cubes in length.
  • Ask children to order the stacks of cubes from smallest to largest.
  • Once this is complete, ask the child to turn away, mix up the stacks and add some Dienes base 10.
  • Children need to match up the Dienes pieces with the corresponding stack of cubes.
  • Children working at a different level can be extended further by sorting them into 2 groups – odd and even numbers.
  • Paper and pen 
  • Both players throw 2 dice and add the 2 numbers together. The player with the highest answer wins the round
  • The winner is the first player to reach 10 points.
  • The game can be adapted by using 10 sided dice, or by adding a third dice.

7.  Addition and subtraction game: grab 

In this KS1 maths game, children use concrete resources to practise their addition and subtraction skills. They also get to practise writing out number sentences.

  • 2 bowls filled with cubes or other small objects
  • Paper and pen.
  • This game can be played individually or as a speed game against another player.
  • Grab a handful of objects from each bowl, count how many in each pile and write out an addition or subtraction sentence (remind children that the largest number needs to go first if they are practising subtraction).
  • If playing against another player. Both players take a handful, then race each other to write out the addition/subtraction number sentence. 

8.  Addition game: ‘pig’

This is a simple KS1 maths game for practising mental addition skills.

  • The first player roles the dice and if the dice lands on a 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 , they can either record the number and let the other player have a turn, or throw again to try and increase the total.
  • The aim of the game is to be the first player to reach 100, by throwing a dice and adding to the total each time.
  • If a 1 is thrown at any stage, the player loses all the points for that round and score zero.
  • The game can also be played with 2 dice, with players adding the totals of both dice each time. If at any stage, they thow two ones, then not only do they lose any points from that round, but they lose all the points gained in the game so far.

Maths games for year 2

In year 2, children are expected to read and write numbers to 100 and recognise the place value of each digit in a 2-digit number. Children will continue to build upon the addition and subtraction skills gained in year 1 and build on their understanding of basic fractions. For our games in this section, we’ll be focusing on place value, basic addition/subtraction and simple fractions.

Subtracting numbers maths games ks1

9.  Place value two digit number game: in the bucket

In year 2, children are expected to identify and recognise each digit in a 2-digit number. This game is great for helping children to understand place value.

  • 2 or more players.
  • 2 boxes or buckets
  • A selection of 2-digit number cards from 10 to 99
  • Player one takes a 2-digit number card
  • The aim of the game is to use bean bags to make that 2-digit number.
  • The 2 boxes/buckets represent the tens and the ones. Children need to try and get the correct number of beanbags into each box, to represent the tens and the ones.
  • If the card selected has 54 on it, the player needs to attempt to get 5 bean bags in the ‘tens’ box and 4 bean bags in the ‘ones’ box.
  • Players score a point if they get the bean bags into the correct boxes.
  • This game can also be played as a relay race with 2 teams competing against each other.

This video shows an example of how this game can be played at KS2 for numbers greater than two digits. Please note that for KS1 this game would only require 2 buckets as you would only be working with 2-digit numbers.

10.  Addition maths game: skunk

This is another great KS1 maths game for practising addition skills, whilst getting children to think about the best strategy.

  • Write the word skunk and separate each letter into a different column on a sheet of paper. Each letter of the word ‘skunk’ represents a different round of the game. 
  • The first player rolls a pair of dice and works out the total of the two dice. The score is written in the S column. If they roll a one they score zero.
  • Once they have their first score under the letter ‘S’, they have to make the decision to either stop and take that score as their score for the game, or roll again and hope they score even more to add to the first round score.
  • If they roll a one in the second round, play stops and the player takes the score from the first round as their total for the game. The risk a player takes in moving on and throwing again, is if two ones are thrown, all the points for the game are wiped and the player scores zero. 

This KS1 maths game is great for practising addition of numbers up to 20. The speed element helps children work on their fluency.

  • One or more players
  • Post it notes with the numbers 0-20
  • A large circle (this can be a hoop or a circle draw on paper)
  • Put the circle in the middle and place the post-its around the outside.
  • This is a speed game in which players need to match the pairs of post-it notes which equal 20 and stick them in the circle.
  • Time the player to see how quickly they can make all the pairs. This is then either the target time for the other player, or their own target time, if they are playing alone.

12.  Maths fluency game: maths fact top it

This is another good KS1 maths game for building fluency of addition and subtraction facts. 

  • A set of maths fact flash cards which you can create yourself based on children’s prior knowledge of addition or subtraction up to 20 Eg. 7 + 5, 9 + 6, 2 + 11
  • Players divide up all the maths fact cards and hold in their hands. On the count of 3, each player throws down one card.
  • The card with the highest total wins all the cards. If 2 players have the same answer, they play each other again.
  • The winner is last player left in, once all the others have lost all their cards.

13.  Addition and subtraction game: guess my number

In this game, children use information available to them to work out their mystery number. This is a fun way to practise missing number addition and subtraction.

  • 3 players – 2 playing and 1 leading
  • A set of 1-10 digit cards
  • Lay the 10 cards face down on the table.
  • Each player selects a card and without looking at it, holds it to their forehead, so the other player can see it.
  • The child chosen to lead the game calls out a statement about the 2 cards, such as ‘the 2 numbers added together equal…’ 
  • Each child has to look at their partner’s card to work out what their own number must be.
  • The winner is the first one to call out the correct number.

14.  Shapes game: what shape am I?

In year 2, children learn to identify and describe the properties of 2D shapes and 3D shapes. This game is good for practising this and can be played as either a 2D or a 3D shape game.

What you will need to play?

  • Pictures of 2D or 3D shapes for children who need them.
  • Each player chooses a shape and writes 5 statements about their shape. 
  • The aim of the game is to be the person who asks the least number of questions to work out the other player’s shape.
  • Players need to make their first statements vague, to encourage the other player to ask more questions. E.g. ‘My shape is 2D’, ‘my shape has 3 sides’, ‘my shape has 6 faces’ etc.. 
  • After a player receives a statement on the mystery shape, they can choose to make a guess, or ask for another statement. If they guess correctly after the first statement, they get the full 5 points. If they guess after two statements, they get 4 points, and so on…
  • If they make a guess and it is incorrect, they receive 0 points for that round.
  • The aim of the game is to be the player with the most points at the end of the game.

15.  Maths dice game: ten sided dice rounding game

This simple Ks1 maths game helps children to understand the concept of rounding up and down.

  • A 10-sided dice
  • Players take it in turns to throw the 10-sided dice.
  • One player has the rounding down numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10 (which represents 0). The other player has the round up numbers 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
  • Take it in turns to throw the dice. If it lands on one of the rounding down numbers, that player scores a point. If it lands on one of the rounding up numbers, the other player scores a point.

16.  Maths fractions game: snap

In year 2, children learn to recognise the fractions 1/3, 1/4, 1/2,  2/4 and 3/4. This game is a fun way of practising this.

  • A set of fraction cards (see downloadable resource pack)

Card with fractions and shapes representing one half.

  • Shuffle the cards and share out between the 2 players.
  • Each player places their pile of cards face down on the table.
  • Players take it in turns to turn over a card. If 2 consecutive cards have a matching fraction and picture, the first player to put their hand on the pile and shout ‘snap’ wins all the cards.
  • Players then begin again. The winner is the last person to lose all their cards.

More useful year 2 resources: Year 2 Curriculum Toolkit

Mental maths games KS1 

Mental maths games are great for building fluency. Many of these games need minimal or no resources and are quick and easy to set up. They can be played at any point during the maths lesson, or as a filler activity at any point in the school day.

17.  Addition war

By the end of KS1, children should be able to use and recall addition and subtraction facts to 20. This game is a fun way of practising this skill, with the speed element enabling children to work on fluency.

  • A set of playing cards with the picture cards removed (Ace is worth 1)

  • Share between the 2 players, so they make 2 piles, face down on the table.
  • At the same time, both players turn over a card from their pile and place it in the middle of the table.
  • The aim of the game is to add both numbers together and be the first to call out the answer.
  • The first person to call out the correct answer gets to keep the cards.
  • The winner at the end of the game, is the person who has collected the most cards.

18.  Times tables game bang bang

This is a fun KS1 maths game for practising times tables (in this case the 5 times table). It can be adapted to suit other times tables or mental maths skills, such as addition and subtraction of numbers to 20 or number bonds to 10 or to 20.

  • 2 players at a time, but a whole class game.
  • 2 players stand at the front of the classroom back to back, cowboy shootout style.
  • The teacher, or the game leader calls out a number. Players have to work out how many groups of 5 are needed to make that number. For example, if the teacher calls out ‘40’, the players need to call out 8 as there are 8 groups of 5s in 40; 8 x 5 = 40
  • The first player to turn, face their opponent, shout ‘bang bang’ and give the answer wins the round.
  • Another member of the class then comes out to the front as ‘the challenger’.
  • The winner is the last person standing once time runs out. 

19.  Maths, paper, scissors

This is a KS1 maths game that requires no set-up and is great for building fluency with addition and subtraction facts.

  • 2 players 
  • Both players stand facing each other.
  • Similar to the traditional game of ‘paper, scissors, stone’, players hold one hand out in front but this time call out ‘maths, paper, scissors’. On ‘scissors’, they hold out any number of fingers.
  • Players then have to race to add together the number of fingers they are holding out to the number of fingers the other player is holding out.
  • The winner is the first player to call out the total.
  • This can be adapted by having both children using 2 hands, to make larger numbers. 
  • The game can also be played as a subtraction game, subtracting the smallest from the biggest number.

20.  The yes / no mental maths game

This is another quick and easy KS1 maths game to set up and can again be played at any time, when there’s a spare few minutes. 

What you need to play:

  • 2 or more players. 
  • One player thinks of a number between 0 and 20.
  • The aim for the other player (or the rest of the class, if playing as a whole class) is to ask questions to work out the number.
  • The questions can only have the answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
  • For example, the number could be ‘16’. Children can ask questions such as, ‘is it an even number?’, ‘is it greater than 10?’ ‘Is it less than 18?’ 
  • The winner is the player to have worked out the mystery number with the fewest number of questions asked. 

21.  Number bond bingo

This is another fun KS1 mental maths game which gets children practising number bonds to 10 and to 20. It is a good game for playing as a whole class.

  • 3 or more players (can be played as a whole class)
  • A piece of paper and pen for each player
  • Choose one person to be the leader of the game. In a whole class situation, this could be the teacher.
  • Children write down 5 numbers (under 10 if practising number bonds to 10, or under 20 if pracising number bonds to 20)
  • The leader of the game then calls out numbers (under 10 or under 20). 
  • If a number is called out and players have the number which will make it a number bond to 10 or to 20, they cross out that number. E.g: If the teacher calls out ‘7’ and player with the number ‘3’ on their board can cross it out, or ‘13’ if they are playing number bonds to 20.
  • The winner is the first person to cross out all their numbers and shout ‘bingo’ 

22.  Target 50

This is another KS1 mental maths game which is quick and easy to set up and great for practising addition fact fluency.

  • 2 or more players (can be played as a whole class)
  • A dice 
  • Pen and paper
  • Split the class into 2 teams
  • The teacher rolls the dice (this can be a digital dice online) and team 1 adds up the numbers thrown. The teacher continues rolling until either a ‘1’ is thrown or until the teams tells them to ‘bank’ the total so far.
  • The first team to reach 50 is the winning team.

More mental maths resources

  • 33 Mental Maths Strategies Every Child Should Know
  • Nail Your Number Facts
  • What Are Number Bonds?

Problem solving games KS1 

Problem solving games are a great way for children to deepen their mathematical understanding. These games require children to think strategically and to approach problems in different ways. 

23.  Addition turnover

This KS1 maths game is great for developing addition skills, whilst encouraging children to think strategically.

  • 1 or 2 players
  • A pack of cards (2 – 10 cards only)
  • This game can be played individually or against a partner.
  • Shuffle the cards and lay 18 cards out in front, at 3 rows of 6.
  • Throw 2 dice and add the numbers together.
  • Turn over the playing cards to match the total on the dice. For example, if a 5 and 4 are thrown, the player needs to turn over cards which total 9. This could be 1 or more cards.
  • The other player then does the same.
  • The aim of the game is to be the player with the most cards once all the cards have been cleared.
  • Players need to think tactically when playing, using the combination of cards which enables them to remove the most cards in one go.

24.  Number 4 in a row

This KS1 problem solving game enables children to practise their addition and subtraction skills and encourages them to think tactically, not only about their own counters but also about those of their partner’s

  • A 6 by 6 grid containing the numbers 2 to 12 (see downloadable resource pack)

A 6 by 6 grid containing the numbers 2 to 12.

  • The first player throws the 2 dice and adds the 2 numbers together. They then place a counter or colour in a square containing that number.
  • The 2 nd  player does the same, placing a different coloured counter on the grid, or colouring in with a different colour.
  • The aim of the game is to be the first player to cover 4 squares in a row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally).
  • Children aren’t only thinking about how to make a line of 4 themselves. They also need to think about blocking the other player from making a row of 4.

Looking for more fun games to boost pupils’ learning? Look out for our top 25 maths games you can do at home, 26 KS2 maths games as well as our favourite times tables games and place value games .

Hopefully this blog has given you some ideas for games you could play in your classroom. Most are easy to adapt, to suit any age or the topic you are covering. Don’t just adapt the maths games yourself. Give children the opportunity to adapt and think up their own rules too.

Download your free KS1 Maths Games Printable Resource Pack here!

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Year 1 Maths Worksheets UK Hub Page

Welcome to our Year 1 Maths Worksheets hub page.

In our Year 1 area, you will find a wide range of free Year 1 Maths Activities and worksheets for your child to enjoy.

Take a look at our addition coloring pages, or maybe some of our shape worksheets. Perhaps you would prefer our kindergarten counting games, or our counting worksheets?

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  • This page contains links to other Math webpages where you will find a range of activities and resources.
  • If you can't find what you are looking for, try searching the site using the Google search box at the top of each page.

Year 1 Maths Learning

Here are some of the key learning objectives for the end of Year 1:

  • count to 100 forwards and backwards in ones
  • read and write numbers to 100 in numerals
  • find one more or one less
  • compare numbers up to 100
  • use ordinal numbers 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ...
  • place missing numbers on a number line
  • add and subtract single-digit numbers up to 10
  • use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 10
  • solve simple 1-step problems involving addition and subtraction to 10
  • count in 10s
  • add equal groups
  • make arrays
  • make equal groups by grouping and sharing
  • recognise and find a half of shapes and sets of objects up to 20
  • recognise and find a quarter of shapes and sets of objects up to 20
  • measure and compare lengths
  • measure and compare mass and capacity
  • recognise coins and notes
  • count coins in groups: 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p
  • use language 'before' and 'after'
  • learn days of the week and months of the year
  • tell the time: o'clock and half-past
  • compare times
  • recognise and name 2D and 3D shapes
  • describe position and turns

Please note:

Our site is mainly based around the US Elementary school math standards.

Though the links on this page are all designed primarily for students in the US, but they are also at the correct level and standard for UK students.

The main issue is that some of the spelling is different and this site uses US spelling.

Year 1 is generally equivalent to Kindergarten in the US.

On this page you will find link to our range of Year 1 maths worksheets.

Quicklinks to our resources ...

  • Place Value Zone

Operations Zone

Geometry zone.

  • Measurement Zone
  • Fun Zone: games,dot-to-dot & coloring
  • Year 1 Printables

Coronavirus Stay At Home Support

For those parents who have found themselves unexpectedly at home with the kids and need some emergency activities for them to do, we have started to develop some Maths Grab Packs for kids in the UK.

Each pack consists of at least 10 mixed math worksheets on a variety of topics to help you keep you child occupied and learning.

The idea behind them is that they can be used out-of-the-box for some quick maths activities for your child.

They are completely FREE - take a look!

  • Free Maths Grabs Packs

Place Value, Counting & Number Sense Zone

Writing numbers.

These sheets will help your child learn to write and form the numbers from 1 to 20 correctly.

There is also a counting challenge on each sheet which involve shading the correct number of objects.

  • Writing numbers 1 to 10
  • Writing numbers 11 to 20

Count and Write Numbers to 10

The sheets here are counting sheets which involve counting animals and vehicles up to 10.

There is a selection of reference sheets for using in the classroom, or sending home to parents.

There are also some color-in sheets for counting and coloring up to 10 animals or vehicles.

These sheets are a perfect way to start kindergarten kids off with their learning.

  • Numbers to 10 Counting and Coloring

Year 1 Counting Objects Worksheets

  • Math Worksheets Kindergarten - Matching to 10
  • Counting to 10 Worksheets
  • Counting to 20 Worksheets
  • Kindergarten Counting to 25
  • Printable Counting Worksheets to 50
  • Count to 100 by Ones
  • Ordinal Number Worksheets

This page is all about ordinal numbers: first, second, third, etc.

There are a range of worksheets to help your child understanding how to use ordinal numbers.

Dot-to-Dot Worksheets

Here you will find a range of Kindergarten Dot-to-Dot Worksheets.

Using these sheets will help your child to:

  • read numbers up to 60;
  • count up to 60.
  • Dot to Dot up to 10
  • Dot to Dot up to 20
  • Dot to Dot up to 30
  • Dot to Dot up to 50
  • Hard dot to dot 50+

Counting One More & One Less Worksheets

After your child has learnt to count objects up to 10 and write their numbers, they are ready to start counting one more and one less.

Most of the sheets focus on counting up to 10. There are also some worksheets that go up to 25.

  • Counting One More Worksheets
  • Counting One Less Worksheets

Year 1 Comparing Worksheets

These year 1 maths worksheets will help your child to compare and start to order different things.

  • understand the concept of most, least, biggest, smallest;
  • count up to 10 objects;
  • compare a range of different objects;
  • compare numbers up to 20.
  • Comparing size and numbers up to 6
  • Comparing Numbers Worksheets to 10

Year 1 Sequencing Worksheets

These year 1 maths worksheets will help your child learn to count on and back in ones, and put numbers up to 25 in the correct place in their sequence.

Useing these sheets will help you child to:

  • recognise number, letter and picture patterns;
  • count on and back in ones to 25;
  • sequence numbers to 25.
  • Patterns and Sequences
  • Kindergarten Counting Worksheets - Sequences to 15
  • Kindergarten Counting Worksheets -Sequencing to 25

Year 1 Number Worksheets

The following worksheets involve different Kindergarten Math activities such as counting, coloring and learning to write numbers.

  • read and write numbers up to 25;
  • compare numbers to 10.
  • Kindergarten Number Worksheets
  • Hundred Number Charts (100 Squares)

Top of Page

Year 1 Addition and Subtraction Worksheetss

Here you will find a range of Kindergarten Addition and Subtraction Worksheets.

The following worksheets involve adding and subtracting to 10.

  • Addition Sentences to 10
  • Addition Math Worksheets to 10
  • Kindergarten Subtraction Worksheets (easier)
  • Subtraction to 10 Worksheets (harder)
  • Addition Subtraction to 5
  • Addition Subtraction to 10 Coloring Sheets
  • Addition and Subtraction Worksheets to 10

Kindergarten Shape Worksheets

These kindergarten math worksheets explore squares, rectangles, circles and triangles, and also matching identical shapes.

There are also some shape tracing worksheets to help your child learn to name 2d shapes and practice tracing them to improved their fine motor skills.

  • Free Shape Worksheets Kindergarten
  • Shape Tracing Worksheets

Measurement Zone, including Money

Year 1 measuring length sheets.

The Year 1 maths worksheets on this webpage are all about measuring length in inches and centimeters.

There are two different easy activities. The first activity is to write down the number on the ruler pointed to by an arrow. The second activity involves writing down the correct measurement for the length of a line - a ruler has been correctly positioned underneath.

  • Measuring Length Worksheets for Kindergarten

Kindergarten Money Worksheets - Recognising coins

These Year 1 maths worksheets are all about recognising and counting coins: 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p.

  • Free Counting Money Worksheets UK Coins

Year 1 Count and Graph Worksheets

These sheets involve counting the number of a given object and shading in a square for each one.

Count and graphing is great for developing systematic recording and also for recording data in a bar chart.

  • Count and Graph Worksheets

Fun Zone: Puzzles, Games and Riddles

Year 1 counting games.

Here you will find a range of free printable Year 1 Math games to help your child with learning to count.

  • Kindergarten Counting Games

Fun Year 1 Maths Activities

The activities include dot-to-dot and coloring pages. The activities have been designed to keep your child motivated and engaged whilst learning their Math facts at the same time.

  • count up to 25;
  • understand place value to 25.
  • Kindergarten Math Activities
  • Math Coloring Pages

Year 1 Math Printables

The resources on this page have all been specially designed for Kindergarten kids to use as visual aids or table top support pages.

There are a wide variety of printables including number lines, number squares and math mats.

  • Kindergarten Maths Printables

Other UK Maths Worksheet pages

See below for our other maths worksheets hub pages designed for children in the UK.

How to Print or Save these sheets 🖶

Need help with printing or saving? Follow these 3 steps to get your worksheets printed perfectly!

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Welcome to the Year 1 Hub! Here you will find everything you need to resource lessons and activities across the Year 1 maths curriculum. Our library of resources is constantly growing, developed by experts, to save you time and maximise outcomes for pupils! 

Don’t see something you need? Let us know and we will get busy creating it for you. ‘Request a Resource’

maths activities year 1

Number and Place Value

It all starts here! Year 1 Place Value at Primary Maths Hub. Here you will find a growing library of outstanding resources and activities to support place value lessons in Year 1 and at home.  

maths activities year 1

Addition and Subtraction

Welcome to Year 1 Addition and Subtraction at Primary Maths Hub. Here you will find a growing library of outstanding resources and activities to support addition and subtraction lessons in Year 1 and at home. 

maths activities year 1

Multiplication and Division

Welcome to Year 1 Multiplication and Division at Primary Maths Hub. Here you will find a growing library of outstanding resources and activities to support multiplication and division lessons in Year 1 and at home. 

maths activities year 1

Geometry - Properties of Shape

Welcome to Year 1 Geometry – Properties of Shape at Primary Maths Hub. Here you will find a growing library of outstanding resources and activities to support geometry – properties of shape lessons in Year 1 and at home. 

maths activities year 1

maths activities year 1

50 maths questions for year 1

Practise your maths skills with these 50 maths questions for year 1 , covering counting, addition, subtraction, place value, measurement, and geometry! Answers included.

headshot of author, Michelle

Author Michelle Griczika

maths activities year 1

Published February 2024

maths activities year 1

Key takeaways

  • In year 1, mastering counting and understanding the basics of addition and subtraction set the foundation for future mathematical concepts.
  • Utilizing visual aids, like ten frames and shape recognition, can significantly aid in understanding numbers and geometric shapes.
  • Consider using our maths app to supplement your child’s year 1 maths skills.

Table of contents

  • Key Takeaways
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Place Value
  • Measurement

Get ready to take on 50 maths questions for year 1 ! These exercises are designed to help young learners develop essential maths skills while exploring counting , basic addition and subtraction , shape recognition, place value , and measurement in a fun and interactive way. 

We’ve put together 50 engaging year 1 math problems to prepare your young learner! These exercises cover five essential skills that every child needs to master before stepping into year 2. They include:

  • Counting : a foundational skill introduced in kindergarten.
  • Addition and Subtraction : which start to build numerical skills in year 1.
  • Place Value: designed to set a strong foundation for the basis of our number system.
  • Basic Measurements : introduced to help year 1 maths students understand size and comparisons.
  • Shape Recognition : a key area designed to help students identify basic shapes.

From geometry problems to counting practice, we have a mixture of year 1 maths word problems for your child to practise at home. Once you are done, check your work with our answer sheet.

 Let’s dive in!

Section 1: Counting

Counting helps us understand numbers and how many things we have, like siblings or how many steps we take.

Section 2: Addition & Subtraction

Adding numbers helps us combine different amounts to find the sum , giving us the result of putting them together. Subtraction allows us to see the difference between two numbers by subtracting one value from another, helping us understand the remaining amount.

Section 3: Place Value

Ten frames show us the value of each digit in a number, helping us understand how they add up to make a bigger number.

1. Look at the ten frames. What number do you see?

maths activities year 1

2. Look at the ten frames. What number do you see?

maths activities year 1

3. Look at the ten frames. What number do you see?

maths activities year 1

4. Look at the ten frames. What number do you see?

maths activities year 1

5. Look at the ten frames. What number do you see?

maths activities year 1

6. Look at the ten frames. What number do you see?

maths activities year 1

7. Look at the ten frames. What number do you see?

maths activities year 1

8. Look at the ten frames. What number do you see?

maths activities year 1

9. Look at the ten frames. What number do you see?

maths activities year 1

10. Look at the ten frames. What number do you see?

maths activities year 1

Section 4: Measurement

When we measure things, we use the words’ bigger’ and ‘smaller’ to compare them and see which is larger or smaller in size, amount, or value.

1. Which polar bear is bigger?

maths activities year 1

2. Which snake is bigger?

maths activities year 1

3. Which Cat is bigger?

maths activities year 1

4. Which octopus is bigger?

maths activities year 1

5. Which penguin is bigger?

maths activities year 1

6. Which frog is smaller?

maths activities year 1

7. Which turtle is smaller?

maths activities year 1

8. Which Eagle is smaller?

maths activities year 1

9. Which Parrot is smaller?

maths activities year 1

10. Which leopard is smaller?

maths activities year 1

Section 5: Geometry

We can identify and name different shapes by looking at their features, such as the number of sides and how they are arranged.

1. Name the shape.

maths activities year 1

2. Name the shape.

maths activities year 1

3. Name the shape.

maths activities year 1

4. Name the shape.

maths activities year 1

5. Name the shape.

maths activities year 1

6. Name the shape.

maths activities year 1

7. Name the shape.

maths activities year 1

8. Name the shape.

maths activities year 1

9. Name the shape.

maths activities year 1

10. Name the shape.

maths activities year 1

Lesson credits

headshot of author, Michelle

Michelle Griczika

Michelle Griczika is a seasoned educator and experienced freelance writer. Her years teaching coupled with her double certification in early childhood education lend depth to her understanding of diverse learning stages. Michelle enjoys running in her free time and undertaking home projects.

maths activities year 1

Parents, sign up for a DoodleMaths subscription and see your child become a maths wizard!

maths activities year 1

Place Value Answer Sheet

Measurement answer sheet, geometry answer sheet.

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maths activities year 1

Visual maths worksheets, each maths worksheet is differentiated and visual.

Year 1 Maths Worksheets

Our Year 1 Maths Worksheets present an invaluable resource of exercises for children (aged 5-6) in their early educational stage. Cazoom Maths Worksheets provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals such as counting and recognition of number bonds, addition and subtraction of single-digit and two-digit numbers, time and metric measurement, and shape properties. Using these worksheets, teachers can ensure that all Year 1 pupil have a strong foundation in mathematics which is of fundamental importance for understanding the material that will be covered in the rest of their schooling years. These worksheets help children develop their basic numeracy skills and to reinforce the concepts being taught. All resources are developed by professionals in the field and come with answer sheets, so students and parents can track their progress and teachers can pinpoint areas for revision. Our maths worksheets are used by over 50,000 teachers , parents and schools worldwide!


Chloe flipped 159x300 1

Try some free sample year 1 maths worksheets

Year 1 Addition Grids Maths Worksheet

Outstanding Year 1 Maths Worksheets

  • Separate answers are included to make marking easy and quick.
  • Over 200 pages of the highest quality year 1 maths worksheets. Each worksheet is differentiated, including a progressive level of difficulty as the worksheet continues.
  • Single user licence for parents or teachers. Separate school licences are also available.
  • Single digital pdf download, with worksheets organised into high level chapters of Number, Measurement and Geometry, and further by subtopics. See below for the extensive range of sheets included.


FUN and ENgaging Maths Worksheets

Our maths worksheets are thoughtfully designed to make mathematical problems great fun for your year 1 students. 

This range of year 1 maths worksheets PDF are designed with colour and with the space for children to show their working. Our resources are perfect practice material for helping your child learn maths and develop their fine motor skills.

With over 200 pages of mathematical problems for your students to work through, Cazoom Maths worksheets are the perfect way for your year 1 students to develop their basic mathematical skills. 


Cazoom Maths pdf year 1 maths worksheets cover all topics in the curriculum at this formative stage for young learners.

We have worksheets covering addition and subtraction, place value, missing numbers, and resources requiring students to identify the correct number.  The range also includes lots of different number bonds exercises, which are a great way for children to develop their mental arithmetic.

With such a comprehensive range, Cazoom has everything needed to help children practice their year 1 maths skills. 

List of Topics

Our Year 1 PDF maths worksheets cover the full range of topics. See below the list of topics covered. All KS1 and KS2 worksheets can be accessed here.

  • Adding to a Single Digit
  • Adding to a Two Digit Number
  • Adding to a Three Digit Number
  • Adding Three Numbers
  • Number Bonds up to 20
  • Number Bonds over 20


  • Single Digit Subtraction
  • Two Digit Subtraction
  • Three Digit Subtraction
  • Working with the Difference
  • Multiplication and Division worksheets
  • Number and Place Value Worksheets
  • Fractions, Decimals and Percentages


  • Metric Measures
  • Area and Perimeter
  • Properties of Shapes
  • Position and Direction
  • Transformations


  • International
  • Schools directory
  • Resources Jobs Schools directory News Search

Year 1 Early Morning Maths

Year 1 Early Morning Maths

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 5-7

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Miss B's Shop

Last updated

30 December 2020

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maths activities year 1

Use these ‘starter’ activities to get your children used to answering a variety a maths questions in an arithmetic way. The questions are mostly designed to recap past learning (taken from the White Rose timetable) as well as teach a few new aspects that come up on assessments (money). There are 12 of these activities, designed to be used once a day.

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These are fab - thank you so much Sophie. We open our doors early now to allow a slow drop off / minimise gathering on the playground... These tasks are perfect to leave out on the table for children to complete as they arrive!

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Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Get a step-by-step tutorial from math teachers that go over all the math skills in the first grade. As math skills become more complicated, sometimes students need to go over lessons again even after school is done. On-demand videos are available for students who are stuck or just need a refresher on a math lesson. 

  • Math teachers go over their best strategies specifically designed for young students who are learning the foundations of math. 
  • Teachers show students how to use the scratchpad to take notes and keep track of the numbers.
  • Students get the chance to go over math skills for positions, counting, graphing, and many more.


Reading & Math for K-5

  • Kindergarten
  • Learning numbers
  • Comparing numbers

Place Value

  • Roman numerals


  • Multiplication
  • Order of operations
  • Drills & practice


  • Factoring & prime factors
  • Proportions
  • Shape & geometry
  • Data & graphing
  • Word problems
  • Children's stories
  • Leveled Stories
  • Context clues
  • Cause & effect
  • Compare & contrast
  • Fact vs. fiction
  • Fact vs. opinion
  • Main idea & details
  • Story elements
  • Conclusions & inferences
  • Sounds & phonics
  • Words & vocabulary
  • Reading comprehension
  • Early writing
  • Numbers & counting
  • Simple math
  • Social skills
  • Other activities
  • Dolch sight words
  • Fry sight words
  • Multiple meaning words
  • Prefixes & suffixes
  • Vocabulary cards
  • Other parts of speech
  • Punctuation
  • Capitalization
  • Narrative writing
  • Opinion writing
  • Informative writing
  • Cursive alphabet
  • Cursive letters
  • Cursive letter joins
  • Cursive words
  • Cursive sentences
  • Cursive passages
  • Grammar & Writing


Math Workbooks for Grade 1

Download & Print From only $3.60

First Grade Math Worksheets

Free grade 1 math worksheets.

These printable 1st grade math worksheets help students master basic math skills .  The initial focus is on numbers and counting followed by arithmetic and concepts related to fractions, time, money, measurement and geometry.  Simple word problems review all these concepts.

Choose your grade 1 topic:

Number Charts & Counting

Number Patterns

Comparing Numbers

Base 10 Blocks

Counting Money

Telling Time

Data & Graphing

Word Problems

maths activities year 1

Sample Grade 1 Math Worksheet

What is K5?

K5 Learning offers free worksheets , flashcards  and inexpensive  workbooks  for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member  to access additional content and skip ads.

maths activities year 1

Our members helped us give away millions of worksheets last year.

We provide free educational materials to parents and teachers in over 100 countries. If you can, please consider purchasing a membership ($24/year) to support our efforts.

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  1. Free Addition Worksheets Year 1

    maths activities year 1

  2. Year 1/2 Maths worksheets

    maths activities year 1

  3. Transition to year 1 ideas Math Challenge, Number Activities, Counting

    maths activities year 1

  4. Maths activities!

    maths activities year 1

  5. Year One Maths Busy Book (Over 30 pages of fun maths activities

    maths activities year 1

  6. year 1 maths worksheets learning printable

    maths activities year 1


  1. Elmcreek- Winter activities year 1- Own the map Challenge- Episode 6

  2. Preschool Math Activity Ages 3 to 5

  3. Maths worksheets for Grade 3 #cambridgeworksheets #youtubeviral #education #homeschooling #shorts

  4. concept of shapes|Maths activity for primary classes#msuccess#vlog

  5. Basic Math For Kids: Addition and Subtraction, Kids Nursery Rhyme Videos

  6. Math's Activity


  1. Year 1

    Teachers show students how to use the scratchpad to take notes and keep track of the numbers. Students get the chance to go over math skills for positions, counting, graphing, and many more. 1st Grade Math - Focus on addition and subtraction within 20, Understanding the place values of ones and tens. Solve linear measurements and geometric shapes.

  2. KS1 Maths Activities: Year 1 Maths Activity Pack

    Use this wide variety of fun and useful maths activities for year 1 maths pupils to help you save time and to help your students develop their understanding of KS1 maths. This pack contains a selection of maths mats, all of which are clearly labelled to suit children of different abilities. They're also arranged seasonally - great for bringing more fun to your season-themed lessons. Each mat ...

  3. Games

    Year 1 KS1 Maths Games learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers.

  4. 24 Fun KS1 Maths Games For School & Home

    Many of the games in year 1 are aimed at improving fluency and the learning of basic maths skills. 1. Number game: battleships. In year 1, children need to be able to read and write numbers to 100. This is a great game for developing number sense and practising reading numbers. What you will need to play:

  5. Mathematics for Kids

    Mathematics for kids in Year 1: Looking for an easy-to-use pack chock-full of worksheets and activities that will help improve problem-solving skills and teach mathematics to kids? Well, look no further. With loads of mathematics for kids activities, this pack will keep your Year 1s busy for ages. It includes several maths mats - great for Year ...

  6. Year 1 Maths Worksheets

    Year 1 Sequencing Worksheets. These year 1 maths worksheets will help your child learn to count on and back in ones, and put numbers up to 25 in the correct place in their sequence. Useing these sheets will help you child to: recognise number, letter and picture patterns; count on and back in ones to 25; sequence numbers to 25.

  7. Year 1

    Year 1. Welcome to the Year 1 Hub! Here you will find everything you need to resource lessons and activities across the Year 1 maths curriculum. Our library of resources is constantly growing, developed by experts, to save you time and maximise outcomes for pupils! Don't see something you need? Let us know and we will get busy creating it for ...

  8. Year 1 Maths

    Year 1 KS1 Maths learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. ... Times tables games and songs. All Bitesize Primary games. BBC Teach: KS1 Maths. School Radio: Mathematics.

  9. 50 maths questions for year 1 student

    Counting. Addition and Subtraction. Place Value. Measurement. Geometry. Get ready to take on 50 maths questions for year 1! These exercises are designed to help young learners develop essential maths skills while exploring counting, basic addition and subtraction, shape recognition, place value, and measurement in a fun and interactive way.

  10. Addition and Subtraction Activities Year 1 (Teacher-Made)

    Here's some of the resources you will find in this Addition and Subtraction Activities Year 1 pack: Number bonds banner. Number line. Digit cards. 100 Square. 100 Square PowerPoint. Subtraction Noughts and Crosses Game to 20. Calculation Jigsaw. Counting Number Shapes.

  11. Year 1 Maths Worksheets

    Our Year 1 Maths Worksheets present an invaluable resource of exercises for children (aged 5-6) in their early educational stage.Cazoom Maths Worksheets provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals such as counting and recognition of number bonds, addition and subtraction of single-digit and two-digit numbers, time and metric measurement, and shape properties.

  12. IXL

    Year 1 maths games. 308 skills 29 games. Make learning fun with IXL's interactive Year 1 maths games! 100 Snowballs! Adventure Man and the Counting Quest. Base Ten BINGO. Base Ten Blocks. Base Ten Fun. Birthday Candle Counting.

  13. Year 1 Maths Activity Activity Pack (Teacher-Made)

    Use this wide variety of fun and useful maths activities for year 1 maths pupils to help you save time and to help your students develop their understanding of KS1 maths. This pack contains a selection of maths mats, all of which are clearly labelled to suit children of different abilities. They're also arranged seasonally - great for bringing more fun to your season-themed lessons. Each mat ...

  14. Year 1 maths

    Three different counting, matching and ordering maths games based on the numbers 1 to 10 for early years children. 3-5 year olds. Pupils, Parents. ... The White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year 1-9 to help parents with home learning. 4-13 year olds. Parents.

  15. Addition and Subtraction Activities Year 1 (teacher made)

    Here's some of the resources you will find in this Addition and Subtraction Activities Year 1 pack: Number bonds banner. Number line. Digit cards. 100 Square. 100 Square PowerPoint. Subtraction Noughts and Crosses Game to 20. Calculation Jigsaw. Counting Number Shapes.

  16. KS1 Maths Activities: Year 1 Maths Activity Pack

    Use this wide variety of fun and useful maths activities for year 1 maths pupils to help you save time and to help your students develop their understanding of KS1 maths. This pack contains a selection of maths mats, all of which are clearly labelled to suit children of different abilities. They're also arranged seasonally - great for bringing more fun to your season-themed lessons. Each mat ...

  17. Year 1 Independent Activities

    Our Year 1 Independent Maths & English Work Booklets are the perfect way to promote independent learning for children remote learning during lockdown. They feature year 1 independent activities and resources on the essentials, such as numbers, calculation, reading and phonics. They are ideal to use as independent, accessible activities whilst Y1 pupils are being homeschooled. Featuring 18 ...

  18. Year 1 Early Morning Maths

    Year 1 Early Morning Maths. Subject: Mathematics. Age range: 5-7. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. pdf, 1.61 MB. Use these 'starter' activities to get your children used to answering a variety a maths questions in an arithmetic way. The questions are mostly designed to recap past learning (taken from the White Rose ...

  19. Year 1

    Teachers show students how to use the scratchpad to take notes and keep track of the numbers. Students get the chance to go over math skills for positions, counting, graphing, and many more. 1st Grade Math - Focus on addition and subtraction within 20, Understanding the place values of ones and tens. Solve linear measurements and geometric shapes.

  20. Quick Maths Warm-Up Games

    These quick Maths games for the classroom have been designed by teachers to help pupils meet the National Curriculum Aims for Year 1 Maths, which focus on 7 main topic areas detailed below with the aims of the curriculum in Year 1. Number and Place Value. count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given ...

  21. First Grade Math Worksheets

    Free grade 1 math worksheets. ... Our members helped us give away millions of worksheets last year. We provide free educational materials to parents and teachers in over 100 countries. If you can, please consider purchasing a membership ($24/year) to support our efforts.

  22. IXL

    Year 1 maths. 221 skills 41 games. IXL offers hundreds of year 1 maths skills and games to explore and learn! Not sure where to start? Go to your personalized Recommendations wall to find a skill that looks interesting, or select a skill plan that aligns to your textbook, territory curriculum, or standardized test.

  23. Level 1 Math

    1st grade math games for free. Addition, subtraction, place value, and logic games that boost first grade math skills.