Grammar Quiz

Where ______ ?

A. your sister works

B. your sister work

C. does your sister work

D. do your sister work

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The damage to the car was ______.

B. Minimize

A catalytic agent such platinum may be used so that the chemical reaction advances more rapidly.

C. advances

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.

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do your sister work

English with a Smile

Improve your english, grammar tips, vocabulary and get better writing., when to use do and does, questions and negatives.

do and does

Students ask me sometimes whether they can ask any question with do and does. I say, no, sometimes you need to ask with “can,” or with a form of to be (am, is, are).

“So when do I need do or does?” the student will ask.

Answer: First of all you use do and does only in the present tense . So not for the past.

(This is called present simple tense . You can read more about present simple  here .)

When do you need to use Do and Does?

You use do and does when you want to ask a question with a verb in it.

A verb = give, take, ask, write, dance, drink, sleep, etc.

So whenever you want to ask a question using a verb , you need to ask with do or does .

Here are some examples with do:

Do you live in Canterbury?

Do I look okay?

Do they usually sleep well?

Do we write emails every day?

Rule 1: With  I , you , we , they , use do .

When to Use Does?

Rule 2: With he , she and it , use does :

Does your sister work a lot?

Does your husband take the children to school?

Does the dog bring the ball back when you throw it?

Does the bird like biscuits?

do does 2

Now, just to be extra clear, I’ll show you some questions where you can’t use do or does:

Am I a teacher?

Are you a doctor?

Can you help me?

May I ask you a question now?

Is he tall?

Is she Japanese?

Are they at home?

Are we almost there?

Negative sentences: do not (don’t) and does not (doesn’t)

You also use do and does for negative sentences (so with not).

This is easier than asking questions.

Have a look at these sentences. If you only use not, it’s not enough. These sentences have to have do or does.

Again, do not is used for I , you , we , they .

And does not is used for he , she and it .

I don’t see what you mean.

He doesn’t play the guitar.

You don’t like drinking beer.

We don’t study at the weekend.

They don’t have a cat.

Now try the super easy quiz.

Click here to do this quiz online.

Choose between do and does. Easy!

1 __________ you know this woman?

2 __________ he always go out for lunch?

3 __________ we need any more bread?

4 ____________ the bus leave at 5.30?

5 ____________ they speak English well?

6 __________ you play the piano?

7 _________ your brother collect watches?

8 __________ they have any more brothers or sisters?

9 _________ your manager have blond hair?

10 _________ the sun go down at 6 o’clock?

Here are some more quizzes with do or does:

Make questions with do or doe s. (Gold quiz).

Make negative sentences with do or does . (Free)

You can buy more quizzes on the order page .

Have any questions about this?  Send me an email or use the comments underneath.

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do your sister work

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Sign Language Phrases

Practice Sheet: 01.A 01. "YOU NAME?" (You are named what?) Also see: (What is your name?) 02. "DEAF YOU?" (Are you Deaf?) 03. "STUDENT YOU?" (Are you a student?) 04. "YOUR TEACHER NAME 'HUH'?" (What is your teacher's name?) 05. "YOU UNDERSTAND HE/SHE? " (Do you understand him/her?) Practice Sheet: 01.B 06. "WHO HE/SHE?" (Who is he/she?) 07. "AGAIN, NAME YOU?" (What is your name again?) 08. "S/HE STUDENT S/HE?" [point at teacher] (Is she or he a student?) 09. "THIS YOUR?" [point at any object] (Is this yours?) 10. "WHERE ____" [spell the name of a person in the room]

Practice Sheet: 01.C 11. "NICE MEET-you" (It is nice to meet you.) 12. "HEARING YOU?" (Are you a hearing person?) 13. "ASL TEACHER YOU?" (Are you a teacher?) 14. "YOU LEARN SIGN, WHERE?" (Where are you learning sign?) 15. "YOU LEARN SIGN, WHY ?" (Why are you learning sign?)

Practice Sheet: 01.D 16. "HOW SIGN T-H-A-N-K-S?" (How do you sign "thanks?") 17. "STUDENT, HE/SHE ?" [point at other student] (Is she or he a student?) 18. "THEY LEARN SIGN?" (Are they learning sign language?) 19. "YOUR TEACHER, WHO?" (Who is your teacher?) 20. YOU LIKE LEARN SIGN? (Do you like learning sign language?)

Practice Sheet: 02.A 01. HEY, NAME YOU? ( "Hey, what's your name?" ) 02. YOU MARRIED? ( "Are you married?" ) 03. CHILDREN YOU? ( "Do you have children?" ) 04. YOU SISTER HOW-MANY? ( "How-many sisters do you have?" )(Also see: 2 ) 05. YOUR MOM NAME 'HUH'? ( "What is your mom's name?" )

Practice Sheet: 02.B 06. YOUR DAD DEAF? ( "Is your dad deaf?" ) 07. YOU WORK WHERE? ( "Where do you work?" ) 08. YOU LIVE WHERE ? ( "Where do you live?" ) 09. THIS HIS/HERS? [point at any object] (Is this his?) 10. HOW YOU SIGN W-E? [spell "we"] ( "How do you sign the word 'we'?" ) Practice Sheet: 02.C 11. YOU NAME B-O-B, YOU? ( "Is your name Bob?" ) 12. YOU DIVORCED YOU? ( "Are you divorced?" ) 13. HOW-MANY BROTHER YOU? ( How many brothers do you have? ) 14. YOUR SISTER SINGLE? ( "Is your sister single?" ) 15. YOUR DAD NAME, SPELL SLOW. ( "Spell your dad's name slowly." )

Practice Sheet: 02.D 16. You-MEET MY BROTHER YOU? ( "Have you met my brother? / Did you meet my brother?" ) 17. YOU LIVE WHERE? ( "Where do you live?" ) 18. YOU HAVE SISTER? ( "Do you have a sister?" ) 19. THIS YOUR? [Point at any object.] ( "Is this yours?" ) 20. HOW YOU SIGN T-H-E-Y? ( "How do you sign 'they'?" )

Practice Sheet: 03.A 01. "NAME YOU?" ( What is your name? ) 02. "CITY YOU LIVE?" ( What city do you live in? ) 03. "YOU LIKE LEARN SIGN?" ( Do you like learning sign? ) 04. "YOUR HOUSE BIG?" ( Is your house big? ) 05. "YOU CHILDREN, HOW-MANY?" ( How many children do you have? ) Practice Sheet: 03.B 06. "YOUR HOUSE, BATHROOM HOW-MANY?" ( How many bathrooms do you have in your house? ) 07. "YOU WORK WHERE?" ( Where do you work? ) 08. "YOU LIKE YOUR WORK?" ( Do you like your work? ) 09. "YOU THINK I SIGN GOOD?" ( Do you think I sign well? ) 10. "HOW YOU SIGN "A-L-L"?" ( How do you sign "all? ")

Practice Sheet: 03.C 11. "HE WHO?" ( "Who is he/she?" ) 12. "FROM WHERE YOU?" ( "Where are you from?" ) 13. "YOU LIVE HERE?" ( Do you live here? ) 14. "FAMILY DEAF?" ( Is anyone in your family deaf? ) 15. "YOUR HOUSE SMALL?" ( Is your house small? )

Practice Sheet: 03.D 16. "WANT MORE CHILDREN YOU?" ( Do you want more children? ) 17. "YOU GO SCHOOL YOU?" ( Do you go to school? ) 18. "YOU NEED BATHROOM?" ( Do you need to go to the bathroom? ) 19. "YOU THINK I SIGN BAD?" ( Do you think I sign bad? ) 20. "HOW SIGN "F-I-N-E"?" ( "How do you sign the word 'fine'?" )


Practice Sheet: 04.B 06. I NEED BRUSH-TEETH?




10.  LEARN SIGN, NEED HELP YOU? (Do you need help learning sign language?)

Practice Sheet: 04.C






Practice Sheet: 04.D







Practice Sheet: 06.A 01. YOUR FAVORITE COLOR, WHAT? ( What is your favorite color? ) 02. NAME SOMETHING ITSELF BLACK WHITE ( Name something that is black and white. ) 03. YOU LIKE COLOR BROWN? ( Do you like the color brown? ) 04. YOU DRAW GOOD? ( Do you draw well? ) 05. YOUR PARENTS DIVORCE? ( Are your parents divorced? )

Practice Sheet: 06.B 06. YOU FINISH WATCH MOVIE "__________?" ( Have you seen the movie [spell a popular movie]) 07. YOU THINK FUTURE YOU TEACH ASL? ( Do you think that someday you will teach ASL? ) 08. YOUR CHAIR GREEN? ( Is your chair green? ) 09. how-OLD YOU? ( How old are you? ) 10. HOW SIGN W-A-I-T? ( How do you do the sign "wait?" )

Practice Sheet: 06.C 11. CITY YOU LIVE? ( In what city do you live? ) 12. HOW-LONG YOU LIVE INDEX-there ( How long have you lived there? ) 13. YOU WANT GO HOME NOW? ( Do you want to go home now? ) 14. YOUR PAPER, WHAT COLOR? ( What color is your paper? ) 15. YOU LIVE BIG CITY PAST YOU? ( Have you ever lived in a big city? )

Practice Sheet: 06.D 16. YOU LIKE RED CAR? ( Do you like red cars? ) 17. TOMORROW YOU GO SCHOOL? ( Are you going to school tomorrow? ) 18. YOU GO DOCTOR, WAIT-[long], YOU SIT-anxious YOU? ( Do you get anxious when you wait a long time at the doctors office? ) 19. YOU MOVE-[to-here] WHEN? ( When did you move here? ) 20. YOU LIVE HERE HOW-MANY YEAR? ( How many years have you lived here? )

Practice Sheet: 08.B 0 6. DOCTOR L-A-B COAT, COLOR? (What color is a doctor’s lab coat?) 0 7. CLOTHES DIRTY, SHOULD PUT WHERE? (Where should we put dirty clothes? 0 8. WHO THIS ROOM HAVE GLASSES? (Who in this room has glasses?) 0 9. HEARING-AID, WHO HAVE? (Who has a hearing aid?) 10. YOU LIKE WASHING-MACHINE CLOTHES? (Do you like doing laundry?) Practice Sheet: 08.C 11. SUPPOSE YOU GO CHURCH, PANTS [bodyshift]-OR DRESS WHICH YOU? (If you go to church, do you wear pants or do you wear a dress?) 12. "PANTS", SPELL (Spell the word "pants.") 13. SCHOOL FINISH, YOUR MOM PICK-UP YOU, what-TIME? (What time does your mom pick you up after school?) 14. YOUR SHIRT, what-COLOR? (What color is your shirt?) 15. SHOES, YOU HAVE HOW-MANY ? (How many pairs of shoes do you have?) Practice Sheet: 08.D 16. YOUR SOCKS, COLOR? (What color are your socks?) 17. YOU THINK CHILDREN SHOULD CHANGE UNDERWEAR DAILY? (Do you think children should change their underwear everyday?) 18. PIZZA [bodyshift]-OR HAMBURGER YOU FAVORITE-[prefer] WHICH? (Which would you rather have, pizza or a hamburger?) 19. YOUR BACKPACK HAVE ZIP? (Does your backpack have a zipper?) 20. YOU WANT GO GALLAUDET FUTURE-[someday]? (Do you want to go to Gallaudet University someday?)

Practice Sheet: 09.A 01. YOU LIVE BASEMENT APT? (Do you live in a basement apartment?) 02. BATH, SHOWER, YOU PREFER WHICH? (Which do you prefer, taking a bath or taking a shower?) 03. YOUR BATHROOM HAVE T-U-B? (Does your bathroom have a tub?) 04. YOU TOGETHER-steady SOMEONE? (Are you going steady with someone?) 05. YOUR COUCH, COLOR? (What color is your couch?)

Practice Sheet: 09.B 06. GARAGE HAVE? 07. CAR HAVE? HOW-MANY DOORS? (Do you have a car?--if so--How many doors?) 08. YOUR HOUSE, GARBAGE, WHO "throw out?" [mime "throw out"] (Who takes out the garbage in your house?) 09. YOUR DRYER, G-A-S, [bodyshift] ELECTRIC WHICH? (Is your clothes dryer gas or electric?) 10. THAT TABLE, COLOR? (What color is that table?)

Practice Sheet: 09.C 11. WHAT-KIND TOOTHPASTE YOU? (What kind of toothpaste do you use?) 12. YOU PREFER STOVE, MICROWAVE, WHICH? (Would you rather cook using a stove or a microwave?) 13. YOUR REFRIGERATOR, WHAT COLOR? (What color is your fridge?) 14. AMBULANCE, BEFORE YOU? (Have you ever been in an ambulance?) 15. WHY DEAF PREFER KITCHEN? (Why do deaf people tend to gather in the kitchen?) [Good light.]

Practice Sheet: 09.D 16. YESTERDAY YOU SHOWER? 17. YOUR S-I-N-K, COLOR? (What color is your sink?) [Fingerspell "S-I-N-K"] 18. YOUR PANTS, YOU PUT DRESSER, "HANG-UP" WHICH? (Do you keep your pants in a dresser or do you hang them up?) [Mime "hang up" using an X-hand as the "hanger" and an index-finger as the "bar."] 19. YOUR BEDROOM HAVE WINDOW? (Is there a window in your bedroom?) 20. YOUR HOUSE, HOW-MANY BATHROOM? (How many bathrooms are there in your house?)

Practice Sheet: 10.A 01. CAT LIKE EAT BIRD? (Do cats like to eat birds?) 02. BOOK YOU LIKE READ, WHAT-KIND? (What type of books do you like to read?) 03. FISH LIKE EAT BUG? (Do fish like to eat bugs?) 04. MILK, WHERE FROM, HOW GET? (How and/or where do we get milk?) [STORE / COW] 05. NAME SOMETHING DOG CHASE . (What do dogs like to chase?) [CAR / CAT / BIKE]

Practice Sheet: 10.B 06. A-S-L CLASS, YOU PAST TAKE ? (Have you ever taken an ASL class?) 07. TEACHER HIS/HER WIFE/HUSBAND, YOU KNOW NAME? (Do you know the teacher's wife's/husband's name?) 08. HAVE PET YOU? [if so] NAME? (Do you have a pet? What is its name?) 09. SOME CAT LIKE WATER? (Do some cats like water?) [Note: Some like swim in it: panthers. All like to drink it.] 10. HORSE, YOU WANT? (Do you want a horse?)

Practice Sheet: 10.C 11. YOU LOOK-LIKE YOUR DAD? (Do you look like your father?) 12. READ [bodyshift] WATCH-casual TV, YOU PREFER WHICH? (Which would you rather do, read or watch TV?) 13. COOK CLASS, YOU PAST TAKE? (Have you ever taken a cooking class?) 14. YOU GO ASL CLASS, what-TIME? (What time to you go to your ASL class?) 15. BIRD LIKE EAT FISH? (Do birds like to eat fish?) Practice Sheet: 10.D 16. HORSE LIKE EAT FISH? (Do horses like to eat fish?) 17. YOUR BEDROOM UPSTAIRS? (Is your bedroom upstairs?) 18. TELL-me HOW YOU FEEL. (Tell me how you feel.) 19. YOU THINK COW GOOD PET? (Do you think a cow would make a good pet?) 20. YOUR FAVORITE BOOK, NAME? (What is your favorite book?)

Practice Sheet: 11.A 01. TELL-to-me ABOUT YOUR TEACHER (Tell me about your teacher.) 02. YOU GO CLASS ON TIME ALWAYS? (Do you always go to class on time?) 03. YOU HAVE DOG AND CAT YOU? (Do you have a cat and a dog?) 04. ANY YOUR FAMILY DEAF? (Is anyone in your family deaf?) 05. CLASS FINISH, #BACK HOME YOU? (Are you going back home after class?) Practice Sheet: 11.B 06. HOW YOU FEEL? 07. PHONE, CAN YOU? (Are you able to use the phone?) 08. YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND HE/SHE TEACHER, WHY? (Why can't you understand the teacher?) 09. TAKE-UP ASL FOR-FOR? (Why are you taking ASL?) 10. BOOK YOU THINK WONDERFUL, NAME? (Name a book that you think is wonderful.) Practice Sheet: 11.C 11. YOUR BEDROOM DIRTY LITTLE-BIT? (Is your bedroom a little bit dirty?) 12. SOUP, YOU KNOW HOW MAKE? (Do you know how to make soup?) 13. YOU NEVER EAT CANDY YOU? (You never eat candy!?) 14. NEW CAR HAVE YOU? (Do you have a new car?) 15. YOU PREFER PIZZA OR HAMBURGER? (Would you rather have pizza or a hamburger?) Practice Sheet: 11.D 16. YOU LIKE MEET NEW PEOPLE YOU? (Do you like to meet new people?) 17. YOU FEEL ANXIOUS, WHEN? (When do you feel anxious?) 18. YOU LIKE CHAT-WITH DEAF? (Do you like to chat with deaf people?) 19. WHAT-KIND PEOPLE YOU LIKE? (What type of people do you like?) 20. LEARN NEW THING YOU LIKE? (Do you like to learn new things?)

Practice Sheet: 12.A 01. AFTERNOON WORK YOU? (Do you work in the afternoon?) 02. TODAY YOU FINISH BRUSH-TEETH YOU? (Did you brush your teeth today?) 03. YOU THINK LIFE FAIR ALL PEOPLE? (Do you think life is fair for all people?) 04. EVERYDAY YOU SHOWER? (Do you shower everyday?) 05. EVERY-SATURDAY WHAT-DO YOU? Practice Sheet: 12.B 06. HABIT ANY YOU? [if so] WHAT-huh? 07. HOW-MANY HOUR EQUAL ONE DAY? (How-many hours are in a day?) 08. HOW-MANY MINUTE EQUAL ONE-HOUR? (How-many minutes are in an hour?) 09. HOW-MANY DAY EQUAL ONE MONTH? (How-many days are in a month?) 10. HOW-MANY MONTH EQUAL ONE YEAR? (How-many months are in a year?)

Practice Sheet: 12.C 11. YOU LIKE MONDAY? (Do you like Mondays?) 12. MOVIE, GO TUESDAY NIGHT, GOOD, WHY? (Why are Tuesday nights a good time to go to the movies?) 13. SATURDAY NIGHT, I GO PARTY, WANT ACCOMPANY-me? (I'm going to a party Saturday night. Do you want to go with me?) 14. ONE MINUTE HAVE HOW-MANY S-E-C? (How many seconds are in a minute?) 15. ONE WEEK HAVE HOW-MANY DAYS? (How many days are in a week?) Practice Sheet: 12.D 16. YOU SCHOOL WHICH DAY? (Which days are you in school?) 17. PEOPLE GO CHURCH, WHICH DAY? ("On which day do people go to church.") 18. PAST WEEKEND WHAT-DO YOU? (What did you do last weekend?) 19. YESTERDAY, HOW-MANY TIME YOU EAT? (How-many times did you eat yesterday?) 20. NEXT-WEEK YOU COME SCHOOL? (Are you coming to school next week?)

Practice Sheet: 13.A 01. RESEARCH ARTICLE, YOU LIKE READ? (Do you like to read research articles?) 02. YOUR TV CLOSE-CAPTIONED? (Is your television close-captioned?) 03. YOUR DAD COLLEGE? (Did your dad go to college?) 04. YOU GALLAUDET YOU? (Did you go to Gallaudet? / Are you attending Gallaudet?) 05. WANT BECOME INTERPRETER YOU? (Do you want to be an interpreter?)

Practice Sheet: 13.B 06. DEAF [bodyshift-"or"] HEARING YOU? (Are you deaf or hearing?) 07. YOU THINK HARD-OF-HEARING SHOULD MARRY DEAF O-R HEARING? (Do you think hard-of-hearing people should marry Deaf people or hearing people?) 08. HIGH-SCHOOL, YOU GRADUATE WHEN? (When did you graduate high school?) 09. YOU THINK THIS CLASS HARD? (Do you think this class is hard?) 10. DEAF COLLEGE STUDENT SOMETIMES USE NOTE-TAKER, WHY? (Why do Deaf college students sometimes use note-takers?)

Practice Sheet: 13.C 11. WATCH MOVIE, YOU LIKE CLOSE-CAPTION? (Do you like to watch close-captioned movies?) 12. TRUE FALSE TEST, YOU LIKE? (Do you like TRUE/FALSE tests?) 13. RESEARCH PAPER, YOU LIKE WRITE? (Do you like to write research papers?) 14. TEACHER LIGHTS-FLASH, WHY? (Why does the teacher flash the lights?) 15. INTERPRETER LIST, YOU HAVE? (Do you have a list of interpreters?)

Practice Sheet: 13.D 16. SQUARE-[board], YOU THINK HE/SHE TEACHER SHOULD WRITE MORE? (Do you think the teacher should write on the board more often?) 17. PAST TEST THIS CLASS YOU WRONG how-MANY? (How many did you miss on the previous test you took in this class?) 18. COLLEGE, YOU GRADUATE WHEN? (When did you / or will you graduate from college?) 19. YOU THINK THIS CLASS EASY? (Do you think this class is easy?) 20. DEAF-SCHOOL YOU? (Did you attend a residential school for the Deaf?)

Practice Sheet: 14.A 01. SUMMER [bodyshift]-OR WINTER, YOU LIKE BETTER WHICH? (Which do you like better, summer or winter?) 02. COLD WEATHER, YOU LIKE? (Do you like cold weather?) 03. AUTUMN, WIND-[light], COOL, YOU LIKE CL:1-"go for a stroll"? (Do you like going for a stroll in a cool autumn breeze?) 04. SUMMER VACATION, YOU WAKE UP what-TIME? (What time do you wake up during summer vacation?) 05. WINTER HERE SNOW? (Does it snow here in the winter?) Practice Sheet: 14.B 06. YOU THINK TONIGHT FREEZE? (Do you think it will freeze tonight?) 07. SUPPOSE RAIN, CL:1-"GO OUT" PLAY, WILL SICK YOU? (If you play in the rain, will you get sick?) 08. MAKE SNOW+MAN, YOU LIKE? (Do you like building snowmen?) 09. WORK YOU? SICK DAY VACATION YOU CAN HOW-MANY? (If you work, how many days of sick-leave do you get?) 10. WARM COOKIE AND MILK, YOU LIKE? (Do you like warm cookies and milk?)

Practice Sheet: 14.C 11. SLEEP-IN, YOU LIKE? (Do you like to sleep in?) 12. YESTERDAY YOU WAKE-UP, what-TIME? (What time did you wake up yesterday?) 13. HOT WEATHER, YOU LIKE? (Do you like hot weather?) 14. SUMMER VACATION, YOU GO-TO-BED what-TIME? (What time do you go to bed during summer vacation?) 15. SUPPOSE SICK, YOU THINK GO-TO-BED HELP? (Do you think bed rest will help when you are sick?) Practice Sheet: 14.D 16. YOU USE DEODORANT YOU? [mime rubbing deodorant under your arm] (Do you use deodorant?) 17. YOUR FAVORITE TIME YEAR WHAT? (What is your favorite time of year?) 18. FEEL SICK YOU? (Do you feel sick?) 19. YOUR REFRIGERATOR FULL? (Is your refrigerator full?) 20. COLD PIZZA, YOU LIKE? (Do you like cold pizza?)

Practice Sheet: 15.A 01. YOUR MAJOR WHAT? (What are you majoring in?) 02. YOUR TEACHER HAVE AIDE? (Does you teacher have an aide?) 03. YOU USE BABYSITTER? (Do you use a babysitter?) 04. YOUR BOSS NAME? (What is your boss's name?) 05. YOU LIKE COOK? (Do you like to cook?) Practice Sheet: 15.B 06. YOUR GRANDPA FARMER? (Is [or was] your grandpa a farmer?) 07. PAST-[long-ago] YOURSELF LITTLE-GIRL/BOY WANT GROW-UP FUTURE DO-what? (When you were a little girl/boy what did you want to be?) 08. SUPPOSE YOUR DAD DIVORCE, MARRY NEW WOMAN, SHE YOUR WHAT? (If your dad were divorced and re-married, what relationship would the new wife be to you?) 09. YOUR FAMILY ANY LIBRARY+PERSON? (Is anyone in your family a librarian?) 10. YOUR NEIGHBOR NAME, WHAT? (What is your neighbor's name?)

Practice Sheet: 15.C 11. PICTURE YOUR FAMILY YOU HAVE? (Do you have a picture of your family?) 12. U-S, PRESIDENT, WHO? (Who is president of the United States?) 13. STEPFATHER, MEANING? (What does the sign "stepfather" mean?) 14. BROTHER-IN-LAW YOU HAVE, HOW-MANY? (How-many brothers-in-law do you have?) 15. WAITRESS, HOW-MUCH SHOULD T-I-P? (How much should you tip a waitress?) Practice Sheet: 15.D 16. NEWSPAPER, YOU LIKE READ? (Do you like to read the newspaper?) 17. WHICH COMPUTER PROGRAM YOU USE? (Which computer program or programs do you use?) 18. YOU WISH YOURSELF HAVE SECRETARY (Do you wish you had your own secretary?) 19. HOW SIGN S-C-I-E-N-T-I-S-T? (What is the sign for "scientist?") 20. POLICE he/she-HELP-you BEFORE HOW? (How have you been helped by a police officer?)

Practice Sheet: 16.A 01. SUPPOSE TEACHER NOT COME, WAIT 1/2-HOUR YOU? (Would you wait a half-hour if the teacher doesn't come?) 02. BEFORE-[prior-to] CLASS, WHERE YOU? (Where were you before class?) 03. YESTERDAY, SCHOOL FINISH AFTER-[FROM-THEN-ON] what-DO YOU? (What did you do after school yesterday?) 04. DOCTOR APPOINTMENT, YOU HAVE? (Do you have a doctor's appointment?) 05. WHICH YOU LIKE BEST, SPRING, SUMMER, FALL? (Which do you like best, spring, summer, or fall?) Practice Sheet: 16.B 06. WHO YOU THINK BETTER DRIVER, WOMAN, bodyshift-OR MAN? (Who do you think makes a better teacher, a woman or a man?) 07. PAST WEEKEND DO-what? (What did you do last weekend?) 08. SHOES, YOU HAVE, HOW-MANY ? (How many pairs of shoes do you have?) 09. YOUR FIRST CAR, what-COLOR? (What was the color of your first car?) 10. YOUR FAMILY, LAST CHILD WHO? (Who was the last child in your family?) Practice Sheet: 16.C 11. TODAY, YOUR LAST CLASS WHAT? (What is your last class today?) 12. LATE CLASS ALWAYS YOU? (Are you always late to class?) 13. YOU KNOW WHERE DEAF CENTER YOU? (Do you know where the center for the deaf is?) 14. PAST SATURDAY YOU GO-TO-BED, what-TIME? (What time did you go to bed last Saturday?) 15. YOUR FAMILY, WHO COOK MOST? (Who does most of the cooking in your family?) Practice Sheet: 16.D 16. YOUR NEXT CLASS WHAT? (What class do you have next?) 17. HEARING-AID BATTERY, YOU NOT-YET CHANGE YOU? (Haven't you changed your hearing-aid battery yet?) 18. LIBRARY, HOW OFTEN YOU GO? (How often do you go to the library?) 19. YOU GRADUATE SOON YOU? (Will you be graduating soon?) 20. YOU RECENT what-DO? (What did you do recently?)

Practice Sheet: 17.A 01. YOU LIKE BANANA? (Do you like bananas?) 02. WATER, MILK, POP, BEER, YOU PREFER DRINK WHICH YOU? (Which do you prefer to drink, water, milk, pop, or beer?) 03. NOW-MORNING EAT WHAT? (What did you have for breakfast?) 04. EAT FINISH, CUP, DISH, PUT S-I-N-K YOU? (When you are done eating, do you put your dishes in the sink?) 05. YESTERDAY NIGHT EAT WHAT? (What did you have for dinner yesterday?) Practice Sheet: 17.B 06. YOUR FRENCH-FRIES, YOU SALT A-LOT? (Do you like a lot of salt on your French fries?) 07. FRENCH-TOAST, HOW MAKE? (How do you make French toast?) 08. GRAPES, YOU EAT HOW OFTEN YOU? (How often do you often eat grapes?) 09. SUPPOSE EAT EGG, LIKE KETCHUP YOU? (Do you like ketchup on your eggs?) 10. YOUR HAMBURGER WANT M-A-Y-O YOU? (Do you want mayonnaise on your hamburger?)  

Practice Sheet: 17.C 11. YOUR HOTDOG, WANT MUSTARD YOU? (Do you want mustard on your hotdog?) 12. TOMORROW BREAKFAST YOU WANT PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE-[hotdog]? (Would you like pancakes and sausage for breakfast tomorrow?) 13. SOUP, YOU LIKE PEPPER? (Do you like pepper in your soup?) 14. YOUR HAMBURGER, YOU LIKE PICKLE? (Do you like pickles on your hamburger?) 15. TOMORROW EAT NOON, YOU WANT SOUP AND SALAD? (Would you like soup and salad for lunch tomorrow?) Practice Sheet: 17.D 16. YOU THINK SALT BAD FOR YOU? (Do you think salt is bad for you?) 17. YOUR S-I-N-K what-COLOR? (What color is your sink?) 18. SOAP YOU USE, what-NAME? (What brand of soap do you use?) 19. SOUP, YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND? (What kind of soup do you like?) 20. CEREAL, YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND? (What kind of cereal do you like?)

Practice Sheet: 18.A 01. BICYCLE, HAVE YOU? (Do you have a bike?) 02. BOAT, BEFORE YOU? (Have you been on a boat before?) 03. YOU WANT BUILD your-SELF HOUSE? (Do you want to build your own house?) 04. CAR CL:3/CL:3-"crash" HOW-MANY TIME YOU? (How many times have you been in a car wreck?) 05. YOUR KEYS, YOU LOSE BEFORE? Practice Sheet: 18.B 06. YOU THINK FIND NEW ADDRESS EASY? (Do you think finding new addresses is easy?) 07. AIRPLANE BEFORE YOU? (Have you ever been on an airplane before?) 08. YOU ENJOY DO-what? (What do you enjoy doing?) 09. HORSE, YOU RIDE-ON BEFORE? (Have you ever ridden a horse before?) 10. WISH HAVE your-SELF HELICOPTER YOU? (Do you wish you had your own helicopter?) Practice Sheet: 18.C 11. MOTORCYCLE, HAVE YOU? (Do you have a motorcycle?) 12. YOU PRACTICE SIGN, WHY? (Why do you practice signing?) 13. YOU LEAVE-[go-away] THIS CLASS, what-TIME? (What time will you leave this class?) 14. HOW YOU SIGN "R-O-C-K-E-T"? (How do you sign "rocket?") 15. YOU SEARCH WORK YOU? (Are you looking for work?) Practice Sheet: 18.D 16. YOUR CITY HAVE SUBWAY? (Is there a subway in your city?) 17. last-YEAR TICKET HOW-MANY YOU? (How many tickets did you get last year?) 18. TRAIN TRAVEL, YOU LIKE? (Do you like to travel by train?) 19. YOUR ASL BOOK, YOU LOSE BEFORE YOU? (Have you ever lost your ASL book?) 20. YOU PREFER CAR [bodyshift-"or"] TRUCK? (Do you prefer cars or trucks?)

Practice Sheet: 19.A 01. YOU AFRAID WHAT? (What scares you?) 02. YOU THINK SCHOOL BORING? (Do you think school is boring?) 03. YOU THINK FIREMEN BRAVE? (Do you think firemen are brave?) 04. YOU LIKE CHAT PHONE? (Do you like to chat on the phone?) 05. EMBARRASS EASY YOU? (Do you embarrass easily?) Practice Sheet: 19.B 06. YOU ENJOY DO-what? (What do you enjoy doing?) 07. YOU THINK MOST DOG FRIENDLY, MEAN, WHICH? (Do you think most dogs are friendly or are they mean?) 08. YOU FEEL FRUSTRATED WHEN? (When do you feel frustrated?) 09. YOU FEEL HAPPY, WHEN? (When do you feel happy?) 10. RECENT YOU INSULT ANY-ONE? (Have you recently insulted anyone?)

Practice Sheet: 19.C 11. YOU SOMETIMES FEEL LONELY YOU? (Do you sometimes feel lonely?) 12. YOU MAD, FOR-FOR? (Why are you mad?) 13. YOUR BOYFRIEND [or girlfriend] HE/SHE JEALOUS EASY? (Is your boyfriend [or girlfriend] the jealous type?) 14. BEFORE-[prior-to] TEST YOU FEEL NERVOUS YOU? (Do you get nervous before a test?) 15. YOU PROUD ABOUT WHAT? (What do you take pride in?) Practice Sheet: 19.D 16. YOU THINK HE/SHE TEACHER SILLY? (Do you think the teacher is silly?) 17. YOU THINK CAT STUCK-UP? (Do you think cats are stuck up?) 18. SURPRISE TEST, YOU LIKE? (Do you like surprise tests?) 19. SUPPOSE WALK 4-HOUR, FUTURE-[will] TIRED YOU? (Suppose you walk for four hours, would you be tired?) 20. BOOK YOU THINK INTERESTING, what-NAME? (What is the name of a book that you think is interesting.)

Practice Sheet: 20.A 01. BUZZ-CUT BEFORE YOU? (Have you ever had a buzz-cut hair-style?) 02. YOUR ASL BOOK CL:C-[thick]? (Is your ASL book thick?) 03. NAME SOMEONE CURLY-HAIR (Name someone who has curly hair.) 04. YOU THINK CUTE, WHO? (Who do you think is cute?) 05. YOUR MOM EYES BROWN? (Does your mom have brown eyes?) Practice Sheet: 20.B 06. YOU LOOK-LIKE YOUR DAD? (Do you look like your dad?) 07. YOUR SISTER FAT? (Is your sister fat?) 08. YOU LIKE FOOL PEOPLE? (Do you like to fool people?) 09. YOUR BROTHER HAIR, COLOR? (What color is your brother's hair?) 10. HAIR, LONG-HAIR, SHORT-HAIR, YOU THINK PRETTY WHICH? (Which do you think is prettier, long hair or short hair?)

Practice Sheet: 20.C 11. YOU EAT A-LOT, REGULAR, WHICH? (Do you eat a lot, or do you eat a normal amount?) 12. YOUR DAD SHORT? (Is your dad short?) 13. YOUR GRANDPA SKINNY? (Is your grandpa skinny?) 14. OLD PEOPLE WEAK? (Are old people weak?) 15. GIRL THIS CLASS STRAIGHT-HAIR, HOW-MANY? (How many girls in this class have straight hair?) Practice Sheet: 20.D 16. MOST FARMER STRONG? (Are most farmers strong?) 17. YOU HOW-TALL (How tall are you?) 18. YOUR DAD EYES BLUE? (Does your dad have blue eyes?) 19. PIZZA THIN-[crust], THICK-[crust], YOU FAVORITE-[prefer] WHICH? (Which do you prefer, thick or thin crust pizza?) 20. MY SHOES, YOU THINK UGLY? (Do you think my shoes are ugly?)

Practice Sheet: 21.A 01. BUS, YOU RIDE-IN SCHOOL, YOU? (Do you ride the bus to school?) 02. YOU GO DENTIST HOW OFTEN? (How often do you go to the dentist?) 03. JOB YOU APPLY BEFORE, HOW-MANY? (How many jobs have you applied for previously?) 04. YOU HAIRCUT, HOW OFTEN? (How often do you get your haircut?) 05. OLD BOY-FRIEND, [or girlfriend], PICTURE YOU KEEP? (Do you keep pictures of your old boyfriends? [or girlfriends]) Practice Sheet: 21.B 06. MOST POST-OFFICE WORKER THIN, WHY? (Why are most postal employees thin?) 07. SOMETHING BROKE, YOU PREFER HIRE MECHANIC, [bodyshift], F-I-X your-SELF, WHICH? (If something is broke, do you prefer to hire a mechanic or do you prefer to fix it yourself?) 08. YOUR HOUSE, WHO MANAGE? (Who runs your house [apartment, dorm, etc.]?) 09. YOUR SUPERVISOR, WHO? (Who is your supervisor?) 10. BOSS FIRE WORKER, WHY? (Why do bosses fire employees?) Practice Sheet: 21.C 11. PILOT USE S-U-N GLASSES, WHY? (Why do pilots use sunglasses?) 12. YOU ENJOY what-DO? (What do you enjoy doing?) 13. YOU LIKE DANCE? (Do you like to dance?) 14. YOU LIKE FISHING? (Do you like to fish?) 15. YOU WISH your-SELF LAWYER? (Do you wish you were an attorney?)

Practice Sheet: 21.D 16. YOUR MAJOR-[profession] WHAT? (What is your major in school or your line of work?) 17. YOUR CHURCH SEND MISSIONARY? (Does your church send out missionaries?) 18. YOUR DAD ARMY BEFORE? (Was your dad in the Army?) 19. YOUR HOUSE NEED PAINT? (Does your house need painting?) 20. YOUR RESUME, HOW-MANY PAGE? (How many pages is your resume?)

Practice Sheet: 22.A 01. YOUR MONEY, YOU KEEP WHERE? 02. COLLEGE STUDENT ALWAYS BROKE-[financially], WHY ? 03. CAN YOU MANAGE YOUR-SELF BUSINESS? (Can you run your own business?) 04. TOMORROW, YOU #BUSY? 05. WHAT COST CENT-25? Practice Sheet: 22.B 06. YOU EARN MORE-THAN 10 DOLLAR HOUR? 07. YOU LIKE GO CLASS EARLY? 08. YOU THINK GOVERNMENT PAY GOOD? 09. CAN DEAF GO COLLEGE FREE? 10. KNOW+ SILVER DOLLAR CL:C-[index and thumb], YOU HAVE YOU? (Are you familiar with silver dollars? Do you have one?) Practice Sheet: 22.C 11. EVERYDAY YOU BUY WHAT? [POP, CANDY, NOTHING, PARKING PERMIT , LUNCH, ...] 12. YOU HAVE your-SELF OFFICE? (Do you have your own office?) 13. YOU THINK PARENT SHOULD PAY CHILDREN FOR CLEAN+ BEDROOM? 14. next-YEAR SCHOOL REGISTER FINISH YOU? (Have you registered for school next year?) 15. YOU WANT RETIRE, how-OLD ? Practice Sheet: 22.D 16. YOUR GRANDMA SEND-you MONEY? 17. SHOW-me YOUR FAVORITE SIGN. 18. SOME DEAF SUBSCRIBE-[SSI] WHY? (Some Deaf receive Supplemental Security Income, why?) 19. SUPPOSE YOU GO BANK, YOU PREFER COMPUTER O-R TRUE PERSON TELLER-fs 20. YOU EARN MONEY HOW?



Practice Sheet: 23.D 16. RESTAURANT YOU LIKE EAT, what-NAME? 17. FLUNK CLASS PAST-[before] have-YOU? 18. YOU LIVE DORM? 19. YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YOU POST BATHROOM? 20. YOUR WORST CLASS WHAT? (What is your worst class?)



Practice Sheet: 26.A 01. YOU PREFER CLOTHES BRIGHT, DARK, WHICH? 02. FOR YOU SLEEP MUST DARK? (Does it have to be dark for you to sleep?) 03. FLOWER GROW-GROW-[garden] DOG DIG, WHY? 04. TOPIC YOU INTERESTED WHAT? 05. FLOWER YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND?


Practice Sheet: 26.D 16. HOW YOU UP-TO-NOW? ("How have you been doing?") 17. YOUR HOUSE, FRONT FIELD-[yard] TREE HAVE? 18. UP-TO-NOW ASL CLASS YOU TAKE-up HOW-MANY YOU? 19. HOW OFTEN YOU LAUGH? 20. TOPIC YOU DON'T-CARE WHAT? (What do you not care about?)




Practice Sheet: 28.B 06. SHIRT DOTS YOU HAVE? 07. HAIR-DRYER YOU USE? 08. HAT YOU HAVE? WHAT-KIND? 09. YOU PREFER LIVE SINGLE-[alone] [bodyshift]-OR ROOMMATE-[match] WHICH? 10. NECKLACE, GOLD, YOU HAVE? Practice Sheet: 28.C 11. SEW, YOU KNOW HOW? 12. YOUR DAD SHAVE EVERYDAY? 13. YOUR MOM SOMETIMES SKIRT-short? 14. STRIPES-[vertical], YOU FACE-[look] GOOD YOU? (Do you look good in stripes?) 15. TIE YOU HAVE? [if so] HOW-MANY?

Practice Sheet: 28.D 16. YOUR FAVORITE TOWEL, WHAT COLOR? 17. WET-WIPES YOU KEEP CAR? (Do you keep wet wipes in your car?) 18. "Scotland"-[plaid] YOU FINISH TOUCH YOU? (Have you been to Scotland?) 19. YOU HAVE SCARF? 20. SHIRT, YOU HAVE FAVORITE?





Practice Sheet: 30.B 06. JANITOR THIS BUILDING, YOU KNOW HIS/HER NAME? 07. CAR MACHINE-[engine], YOU KNOW HOW F-I-X? 08. SHOE what-SIZE YOU? 09. WEEK-[every] MEETING HOW-MANY YOU? (Each week, how many meetings do you go to?) 10. HAIR, YOU PREFER what-COLOR? Practice Sheet: 30.C 11. YOU THINK MOST SELL-AGENT FRIENDLY? 12. YOU START LEARN LEARN SIGN, WHEN? (When did you start learning how to sign?) 13. SUPPOSE YOUR DOG SICK, YOU CARRY VET? (If your dog gets sick do you take it to the veterinarian?) 14. IT WALL, what-COLOR? 15. YOUR _______, COST HOW-MUCH? [fill in the blank]


[End of sign language phrases list.]

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How to Help Your Sibling with Homework

Last Updated: February 8, 2024

This article was co-authored by Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed. . Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University. This article has been viewed 37,688 times.

We've all been there—a younger (or older) sibling is struggling with a school assignment and asks for help with their homework. While it can be flattering to be asked for help, and often fun to work on an assignment together with your sibling, sometimes it's tough to know how best to help them with their homework. Finding the time to work together with your sibling can be difficult, but also rewarding. You can help your sibling with their homework by monitoring their efforts and helping them when they struggle, and also by making sure they stay focused and take breaks when needed.

Preparing to Help with Your Sibling's Homework

Step 1 Find out what the exact assignment is.

  • Which subject is your sibling working on? Are they writing an essay, or solving multiple-choice questions?
  • Look over a hard copy of your sibling's assignment. If they're confused, read over the assignment with them.

Step 2 Ask your sibling what is causing them to struggle.

  • “What don't you understand about the assignment?”
  • “What methods did the teacher ask you to use when you work on this homework?”
  • It may be the case that your sibling misunderstands a small point, and once you explain this to them, they will excel on the rest of their homework.

Step 3 Help your sibling put together a homework schedule.

  • Have your sibling schedule their homework for a single block of time, before dinner, and without TV or other distractions.
  • Don't wear yourself out with helping your sibling. Try to avoid helping with their homework every day; limit yourself to two or three days a week.

Step 4 Ask your sibling where they prefer to work.

  • For example, your sibling may prefer to work in the relative quiet of a bedroom or study room.
  • Alternately, they may prefer to work in the busy and stimulating atmosphere of a kitchen or dining room.
  • If your sibling is in high school or college, you could take them to a coffee shop or café and help them work there.

Working with Your Sibling on Homework

Step 1 Help your sibling when they struggle.

  • Show your sibling the error they have made, and ask if they have ideas about how to fix it.
  • If your sibling does not understand a core concept of the assignment, explain it to them, but do not complete the homework for them.
  • Come up with a model or example of a problem similar to the one your sibling is struggling with, then ask them to think through the example you created and solve it. You may be able to find such models and examples online, as well as tutorials that walk you through the process, which can be a helpful learning tool.

Step 2 Ask your sibling to try again if they've made a mistake.

  • While you're working with your sibling, say things to encourage their work, such as, “You're doing a great job; this is a tough subject to work on,” or, “I'm proud of how much progress you've made so far.”

Step 3 Create drawings and...

  • Explain the topic to your sibling and ask them to create a drawing about the term described. This is especially useful in fields like math or science.

Step 4 Show your sibling online instructional videos.

  • Youtube has a wealth of instructional videos. Start here, and branch out into other sites if Youtube does not have what you're looking for.
  • This will work for siblings at any level—there are many useful instructional videos for high-school (or even college-) age students.

Step 5 Explain the reasoning behind an answer.

  • Rather than simply handing out answers, explain the concept underlying your sibling's homework, and see if they can work out for themselves how the problem should be solved.

Step 6 Take a break when your sibling starts to show fatigue.

  • Suppose your sibling has 1 hour of homework. Break for a maximum of 10 minutes after half an hour.
  • Eat a healthy snack. You may have fruits, juice, milk, or crackers in your break time. Have a light snack and start with your assignments again.

Letting Your Sibling Learn for Themselves

Step 1 Encourage your sibling to learn.

  • Ask your sibling to explain the answer of a problem. This will test if they understand the problem for themselves, or are just parroting your answer back to you.

Step 2 Do not complete the assignment for your sibling.

  • For example, if there are three similar math problems, you could show your sibling how to solve the first one, and let them solve the second and third problems on their own. Note if the subsequent problems get more difficult and make sure your sibling understands how to complete the additional steps, if applicable.

Step 3 Encourage your sibling's work.

  • A local public library. This will have books and reference materials that can help your sibling learn more about any subject.
  • Useful websites. Aim to find academic reference sites that your sibling can refer to. Focus on sites that end in .edu, .org, or .gov as .com sites are commercially based and may provide biased information.
  • For younger children, show them where they can find school supplies such as pencil, paper, crayons, and markers in the home.

Expert Q&A

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

  • Finish with the difficult assignments first. Ask your sibling to do the easier work later on. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Do not ask your sibling to finish their homework right after they get home from school. Let them take a few minutes to rest, have a snack, etc.—then start the homework. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Make sure to leave yourself enough time to complete your own homework, if you're still in school. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

do your sister work

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Do Homework

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Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

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Happy You, Happy Family (formerly The Reformed Idealist Mom)

20 Fun Things Things to Do With Your Sister At Least Once

do your sister work

Inside: Here are 20 fun things to do with your sister that will nurture your bond, from special occasion sister dates to everyday fun activities.

Nine years ago this month, I lost my sister. Too early. She would be turning 51 this month.

When I think of Lisa and the last few years when I could have spent more time with her, the regret sticks in my throat.

She left this world before my kids entered it. She never got to meet them, and I never got to ask for her advice on being a good mom.

She took me to my first professional baseball game. To my first pro basketball game, too. On my first roller coaster. I never took her to do something new she hadn’t done before. Not even to a new restaurant.

She always gave me two birthday cards. A sweet, heartfelt card, and one to make me laugh. After I left home for college, I don’t think I remembered to send her a single card.

What You Should Know About Sisters

On the icy day that I was born, when the ambulance couldn’t get to our home in time, 13-year-old Lisa was on the phone with 911. They told her what to do, and she did it. She was there from the very first second I entered this world.

She used to make us nachos in the microwave. The best freaking nachos. And I’ve never been able to get mine to turn out as good as hers.

When I was 13, she had me watch Nightmare on Elm Street . I wouldn’t take a bath for years afterwards because I was afraid Freddy Krueger would come up through the drain. But she also let me watch Dirty Dancing before my mom would let me. And then a few months later when my mom decided I was old enough, I had to sit there and pretend it was my first time watching it.

Sisters have a special brand of magic , and now I see that same magic sparking between my girls.

Watching them grow up together fills my heart to the brim. Watching their sister magic—even when they’re driving each other crazy—I can’t help but smile.

The Power of Sisters

But the regret. It sticks in my throat.

I wish I could go back in time and do all the things I never did with my big sis.

And so I made myself a promise . I will nurture this beautiful, sometimes volatile sister magic between my girls. I will set the stage for my girls to do all the things that sisters should do together.

Related: A Letter to My Sister About Sisterhood

20 Fun Things to Do With Your Sister to Feel Closer

If you have daughters, look for opportunities to support and encourage these sibling bonding activities so your girls can deepen their bond of sisterhood.

And if you’re an adult with a sister and you haven’t checked off all these awesome sister bonding activities quite yet, it’s never too late to enjoy spending some quality time together.

1. Stay up late.

You can snuggle up in bed together or drag sleeping bags into one of your rooms for your very own sister sleepover. Then bust out the flashlights and stay up late gossiping or whispering made up stories to each other. Bonus points if you work in a pillow fight!

2. Be guinea pigs.

Try out new hairstyles on each other. (As long as no scissors are involved.)

3. Sneak in.

Follow in the footsteps of a long line of older sisters and sneak your little sister into a movie she’s technically too young for.

4. Plan a date.

Pick a time when you’re both free, and treat yourselves to a special sister date. You can pack a picnic for a nearby park, plan a morning hike on nearby trails to get some fresh air (definitely grab breakfast tacos after!), or go out to dinner at a restaurant to celebrate a special occasion.

5. Get competitive.

Challenge your sister to a fun game from your family’s game closet. My daughters can never get enough of Splendor , but when time is short, they go for a quick round of our favorite card game: Love Letter .

Bonus: All game orders placed in our family-owned shop get a $7.99 bonus credit after purchase to spend on instant downloads!

Limited time: Black Friday's back! 10% off game orders $50+ with code HAPPY10 , 15% off $100+ with HAPPY15 , and 20% off $200+ with HAPPY20 . Plus free shipping! Order by Dec 16 to get it by Christmas.

Splendor: Board Game for Kids

Love Letter

6. make up..

When you have a knock-down-drag-out fight over something stupid, apologize to each other, without anyone forcing you to.

7. Admit something scary.

Open up about your deepest, darkest fears to each other—whether she’s afraid her nose is too big for her face or you’re afraid you’ll never understand chemistry.

8. Borrow something fun.

Scrounge around in each other’s closets for clothes or jewelry to borrow.

9. Puzzle it out.

Tackle a 1000-piece puzzle together. Or if that’s not a challenge, try a 5000-piece puzzle!

10. Connect on a different level.

Share inside jokes that no one else understands.

11. Make something yummy.

Bake something together and get batter everywhere, even the ceiling.

12. Listen to new tunes.

If you hear a new song you love, share it with your sister for an impromptu dance party. If she loves it as much as you do, go on an all-day binge listening to all that artist’s music.

If you need some inspiration, check out 20 Best Kids’ Dance Songs or 11 Best Girl Power Songs to Inspire Your Daughter (And You) .

13. Trick someone.

Play a prank on your parents—or each other.

14. Feel pretty together.

Give yourselves matching pedicures or manicures. Or turn it into a bonafide spa day with face masks and shoulder massages while you screen your favorite rom com in the background.

15. Schedule movie night.

Pick a night where it can be just the two of you, then cozy up on the couch under blankets watching whatever movies you love best and eating your favorite movie night snacks. Or pick a weekend day and spend all day in your jammies watching movies!

16. Go for a thrill.

Ride a scary roller coaster together.

17. Listen to each other.

Read aloud from a book you love.

18. Move together.

Try a new kind of exercise together, like a pilates class, roller skating, or a backyard circuit workout.

19. Show up.

Go to each other’s sports games, concerts, and plays.

20. Take her side.

When she’s fighting with her friends, listen and take her side—because she’ll return the favor one day.

Before you go, get my FREE cheat sheet: 75 Positive Phrases Every Child Needs to Hear

What ideas do you have for fun things to do with your sister? Share in a comment below!

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I'm a mom of four, a Certified Parent Educator, and the author of Happy You, Happy Family . I believe if you want a loving parent-child relationship that will last into the teenage years and beyond, the time for nurturing that kind of relationship is now . The good news? All you need is 10 minutes a day. Start here »

Note: All information on this site is for educational purposes only. Happy You, Happy Family does not provide medical advice. If you suspect medical problems or need professional advice, please consult a physician.

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I have six daughters. I hope they do things for each other the way your sister did for you! I’m sorry for your loss and regret. I regret not being the awesome big sister I should have been in high school. I left home way too early to get another chance. This year my sisters and I are starting our first sisters weekend. I’m looking forward to it!

I always wanted a sister but only had brothers. That’s the main reason when we decided to adopt, the number was a total of 4, and we made sure to split the numbers equally between genders. Two boys, two girls and the bond between each pair, especially the girls, is something special to behold. To watch my oldest child guide my youngest child through the twists and turns of life’s challenges and joys is amazing to watch. Such love and dedication.

very cute list, must do with my little sister. I love you sister tami

Thanks for the great Article, my sisters and I have had good times, but we went through some hard family times and this has inspired me to rekindle our bond more

I know I’m just a kid but my sister is living with her dad and the last time I saw her it was the last day of summer and she promised that she would come and see us every weekend but she didn’t come once and it is already fall break I just need some advice of how to deal with this and to possible get her to come and see us

Have you talked to her yet? If you have, remind her of what she said. If not, also remind her what she said. Maybe think of something fun you can do together to maybe grab her attention. Then if you do it together and have a great time I’m sure you two will realize that you want to hang out more and that you miss each other. Also, tell her you miss her and that if she won’t come down for the weekend, you will. I hope this helps!

It’s always nice to see the different types of sisterhood relationships, this one touched my heartstrings a little. Thank you for sharing this. It made me buy tickets for a movie date with my four sisters, a bit pricey but every single time I have done something for them, they always appreciate it. Off to the Cinema!!! ^_^

I have one you can add “pull a all nighter with your sister(s) and talk about personal scary and questions they have, about life or school etc..”

Thank you for these ideas. I am going to do these with my sister. She is turning 18 in September. I sorry about your sister.

Something like that can be really bonding…I know from experience. I watch some stuff with my sister not BAD but that I wouldn’t watch with my mom. It’s really nice, and it’s something we can share that brings us closer. It doesn’t have to be “perfect” or something to be bonding. (Not trying to be rude at all. Just saying why I think it’s ok, and why it’s on there.)

I am a sister and I am under 18 and this was so helpful thank you

they should have a sister sleepover!!!

This is great advice. I want to make sure my sisters know I love them. I want to do some of these things with them. I have sevensisters. I’m only really close ro one of them. I hope to change that.

This was really helpful… I want to bond more with my sister and I found some good things to do in here. (: thx

I love to netflix and binge with my elder sisy

Here lately me and my sister are always fighting over stuff and I fell like were just growing apart but this list has inspire me to make a sister weekend and try to do every thing on the list and try to help repair our sister bond with each other.

me and my little sister will love this

I love this. I don’t know anyone else who has a 13 year age gap with their sister. I do. I also have 3 brothers. I waited my whole life and prayed and prayed for a sister, and when I was 12 my mom got pregnant. She was born right around my half birthday. I’m a Leo and she’s an Aquarius. No one really understands how much she means to me, not even her. I’m 21 and she’s 7. I hope one day she thinks of me the way you think of your sister.

These are good things to do i have i big list thanks for it but i have way more to do this weekend (PSS it is ok not rly much on here) bye

Go to a dog park if you have a dog Play sports !Ike football volleyball etc

My younger sister has recently been diagnosed with ALS. Thank you for sharing your regrets. I’m trying hard not to have any with her, but so afraid that I will.

Thank you I have a shouting teenager sister and a dog

Sorry for you lost too I just need this because when me and Tamsin was young we were very good but now she’s a teenager I felt like I just lost my best friend

Tell me wt to do with 7 year old sis I am 10

Awww this is so sweet. I can’t do all of these as I am just a kid but I will surely list some of these things on my bucket list of things I am going to do when I am an adult.

I am just so sorry about your sister and I think I should relish the moments that I get to spend with mine.

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27 Fun And Bonding Things To Do With Your Sister

  • 27 Fun And Bonding Things…


The bond between sisters is unlike any other. 

Whether your sister is older or a few years younger than you, sister activities can help bring you both together no matter where you are in your lives. 

From spending time catching up on old movies to exploring a new adventure, there is never a shortage of sister activities that can bring joy into your life at any time. 

Why You Should Find Fun Things to Do with Your Sister

Finding fun things to do with your sister is a way to bond while honing specific skills, crafts , and hobbies .

Whether you feel you and your sis have grown apart and need to reconnect, or you just love spending time with your sister and can’t get enough, there are many reasons for you to do fun things with your sister.

  • Create a one-of-a-kind bond : Did you know that you share the most DNA with your siblings? Theoretically, your brothers and sisters are the closest relatives you will ever have. Having fun with your sister can help strengthen one of the most special bonds on the planet.
  • More time together : As we get older, finding time for our loved ones becomes increasingly challenging. One thing you cannot get back in life is time. Giving time to your sister is one of the best ways to build a lifelong bond.
  • Knowing her better : Whether you are looking for crafts for sisters to do together or a brand new sport to join in on, spending time with your sister is a great way to get to know her better on a personal level, especially as you grow older.  

Bonding with your sister does not have to require an official itinerary.

When you are spending time at home, exploring the world around you, or even heading to the movies, there are plenty of ways to connect with your sister, even on the most ordinary days. 

Fun Things to Do At Home With Your Sister

When you are stuck at home with your sister, there are plenty of ways to keep yourselves entertained while having fun with one another.  

1. Have a Movie Marathon

Having a movie marathon is one of the easiest ways to bond with loved ones, including your sister. Choose a genre of movies you both enjoy, or allow each sister to pick a movie they choose to watch during the marathon. 

2. Play a Board Game

Pick up an old classic board game, such as Monopoly or Pictionary, or opt for a newer game, such as a card game similar to Cards Against Humanity or What Do You Meme.

two energetic women exercising together things to do with your sisters

Board and card games have come a long way, with plenty of developments in games designed just with women and sisters in mind. 

3. Create a New Recipe Together 

Spend time with your sister crafting a new recipe together. Whether adding some flair to an existing family recipe or getting creative with a brand-new concoction, developing a new recipe is a great way to bond with just about anyone. 

4. Order a Wild Takeout Dinner

Plan to treat yourself and your sister by ordering a wild takeout dinner featuring numerous cuisines and types of dishes. You can try new foods while exploring some of your sister’s favorite eateries in your local area. 

5. Reorganize Together 

While this may not be fun for some, it can be gratifying and cathartic for others. Reorganizing the home or rooms you share can prevent your space from becoming too cluttered or unlivable.

If you don’t live together, help each other declutter and organize your own homes.

Things to Do With Your Little Sister

Being a positive influence and a great mentor for your little sister can go a long way for both of you. Demonstrating healthy habits and wise choices is also valuable for your younger sister, regardless of your age difference. 

6. Learn A Skill or a New Hobby

Spend time with your younger sister to tackle a new skill or embrace a hobby you both are interested in.

Pick something that you can do in tandem, like taking a cooking class or creating your own blog that you design and write together.

7. Go Through Old Photos

Pull out the boxes of childhood photos and take a walk down memory lane. Reminisce about your youth and all the fun and crazy things you did together and with your family.

If you’re feeling extra ambitious, compile a photo album with funny captions to give your parents for their next anniversary or Christmas. 

8. Work Out Together

Working out with your younger sister is a great way to stay in shape while enjoying a little friendly, sisterly competition.

Challenge each other to push a little harder so you won’t feel guilty going out for a nice lunch or dinner after your workout.

9. Do Each Other’s Hair and Nails

What could be more fun for sisters than a mutual pampering and self-care day? Take turns offering one another a blowout, straightening, or curl, and then top it off with a mani-pedi you give each other.

two lovely women sharing something through the phone things to do with your sisters

You’ll be so relaxed that all you can do next is sip Cosmos and watch a chick flick

10. Go Thrifting at Second-Hand Stores

You and your sister will have a fun day treasure hunting for cute clothes you buy at a bargain at local thrift stores.

Help each other look for the perfect piece or outfit and enjoy some laughs at clothes that don’t quite fit the bill. Celebrate your success by wearing your new outfits for an evening out on the town.

Things to Do With Your Older Sister

If your older sister has always made plans for your outings, take the reins this time and initiate something fun together. We have some ideas.

11. Spend Time at a Local or State Park

Invite your sister to spend the afternoon outdoors with you, where you can spend time walking, biking, skating, blading, or just talking with one another. Pack a picnic lunch and a game or deck of cards if you want a less active outdoor outing.

12. Plan Parties and Holiday Gatherings Together

Each time a significant event or holiday rolls around, plan the gatherings and celebrations together. Party planning is an exercise in communicating and brainstorming.

You and your sister can use your creativity to come up with new traditions and fabulous party ideas.

13. Plan A Weekend Getaway

How long has it been since you and your sister spent a full weekend together? Come up with some great ideas, like staying in a hotel in a downtown area with lots of shopping, bars, and restaurants.

Or do something quieter like a camping weekend in the mountains. Whatever you choose, work in some quality chat time to discover more about each other.

14. Go Bowling 

Nothing screams retro fun like a bowling outing with your sister. Put on those not-so-attractive bowling shoes, grab a couple of beers, and see how many strikes you can get.

To enhance your experience, go for cosmic bowling with lasers, music, and other special effects.

15. Go On a Hike 

If your sister enjoys spending time outdoors, consider going on a hike together. Exploring new trails and testing your physical limitations is one of the best bonding experiences between individuals, regardless of their relationship. 

Sister Bonding Activities 

When you initiate special time with your sister, you’re telling her how much she means to you and how important the connection is between you. Reach out to her and suggest one of these ideas. 

16. Get Crafty

Finding crafts to do together is an excellent way to connect with your sister, whether you are three years apart or ten.

Consider making jewelry, flower arranging, crocheting, or painting. If you aren’t big talkers but just enjoy being together, take advantage of a new creative outlet you cultivate together. 

17. Attend a Local Concert or Gathering

For sisters who love getting out and mingling with others, head out to a concert or a local gathering. S

eeing your favorite musicians or spending time with locals in the area with your sister can help you to feel a sense of community and camaraderie with those around you. 

18. Plan and Host a Party Together

Planning and hosting a party is a fun way to work together while offloading some of the weight of being a solo host.

sisters smiling at the camera things to do with your sisters

By bringing your two groups of friends together in a social setting, you can build new friendships for yourselves and those who attend.  

19. Read the Same Book at the Same Time

If you are both avid readers, consider reading the same book at the same time as your sister. Creating your own unique “book club” is an excellent way to share insights and opinions and get to know each other more deeply.

20. Go Out Dancing Together

Who cares if you are sisters out clubbing together? Get dressed up in your most amazing outfits, find the club with the best music, and dance your hearts out.

Sure, you’ll turn some heads, but make it about the time together rather than flirting with others. Enjoy laughing and just having fun.

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7 Super Fun Games to Play with Your Sister

Is it cold or rainy? Or do you just want to spend some quiet time with your sister?

With various board and card games available today, finding a fun or challenging game can help you and your sister connect on an entirely new level.

1. Cards Against Humanity

do your sister work

A classic. Cards Against Humanity is one of the easiest (yet most vulgar) card games developed with adults over the age of 18 in mind. Cards Against Humanity tests players’ wits and ability to toe the line between offending others and not being offended. 

2.  What Do You Meme

do your sister work

Here’s another classic card game that combines the latest pop culture memes with various humorous responses. Submit your funniest or best tagline for each meme image played to please the current judge to rack up points. 

3. Girls Night Out

do your sister work

If you’re planning a “girl’s night out” and love the games Cards Against Humanity, and What Do You Meme, you might just love Girls Night Out. Played best with a group of girlfriends or sisters, Girls Night Out allows all players to get to know one another’s preferences and personalities. 

do your sister work

If you enjoy games where getting to know other players is the primary goal, give Sussed a chance.

A quick card game, Sussed helps unravel what others think of you while allowing you to share bits of your own personality and who you are as an individual.

Sussed is marketed as kids, teen, and adult game, although it is suitable for all ages due to its family-friendly content. 

5. That’s What She Said  

do your sister work

That’s What She Said puts a sexy and naughty twist on the classic Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity. This version is perfect for a girl’s night out or a night of bonding with your sister.

6. Off Topic

do your sister work

Another game option to consider if you prefer hilarious entertainment is Off Topic.

Off Topic is an excellent conversational game that allows players to best defend their stances on particular subjects and topics that may otherwise be silly to talk about out loud. 

7. Buffalo Games Hella 90’s – Pop Culture Trivia Game

do your sister work

If you prefer to skip the traditional board and card games and you and your sister are 90’s babies, consider the Buffalo Games Hella 90’s – Pop Culture Trivia Game.

This trivia game is sure to impress anyone who was born or lived through the greatest grunge era of all time. 

Final Thoughts

Nothing can replace the time you spend with your sister. Whether you enjoy spending time on crafts, cooking, or even exploring unknown mysteries around the world, there is not much more precious than the relationship you will build with your sister throughout your lifetime.  

Looking for a great way to spend quality time with your sisters? here are some fun things to do with your sisters you can try.

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Dónde trabaja tu hermana (does/do)

  • Thread starter idontknownothing
  • Start date Apr 8, 2018


  • Apr 8, 2018

Hola! A veces me confundo cuando uso "does". Por ejemplo, cuando quiero preguntar: Dónde trabajan tus padres? -> Where do your parents work? Dónde trabaja tu hermana? -> Where DOES your sister work? No me queda claro como funciona el verbo "DO" antes de "YOUR", si hablo de un persona o cosa en particular uso DO y si hablo de más de una persona utilizo DO ?? Edición del moderador: el título de cada hilo necesita contener la frase original a traducir, o la frase que quieres entender, sin palabras extras. -fenixpollo  

"DO" y "DOES" antes del pronombre "YOUR" no se manejan como verbos si no como auxiliares invisibles que no significan nada, es solo por ley de la gramática que debes agregarlos a tus preguntas. "DO" lo usas en preguntas con: you, we, they "DOES" lo usas en preguntas con: he, she, it generalmente estos auxiliares se ponen después de las Question Words (What, When, Why, Where y How)  


Senior Member

" Tu hermana" y " mi / nuestra / vuestra / su hermana" son (o equivalen a) "ella" (3ª persona del singular). Por tanto, el auxiliar que les corresponde es "does". Los posesivos no cambian el hecho de que esa hermana siempre será "ella".  

  • Apr 10, 2018

Gracias, me aclararon la duda!!(en persona particular quise poner does, y varias personas do, está mal escrita la pregunta)  

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Super-fun Pranks to do on Your Sister that Actually Work

Are you looking for some good pranks to play on your sister? In this article, we’ll be showing you pranks to do to your sister that would make home fun to be.

Pranks to do on Your Sister

Good Pranks to do on Your Sister

A family should have both a brother and a sister, but this is only true on the outside.

When you walk into the house, you’ll notice a mini-war between the brother and sister.

Even two sisters aren’t always able to get along. Having sisters can be tiring, whether it’s because of clothes, boys, or makeup.

So we have to prank our sisters now and then to annoy them and get on their nerves.

Let’s have a look at these Pranks to do on Your Sister.

1. The Last Sip

The Last Sip

If you know your sister prefers a hot beverage before bed or in the morning, try this trick on her and she could just stop drinking altogether.

Drop a few raisins into her drink, which will sink to the bottom of the cup. The raisins will make the last sip a little sweeter and change the color slightly.

However, she will almost vomit if she notices the dried fruit slowly drifting toward her mouth.

This prank is best carried out first thing in the morning, while she is still in bed, so she won’t notice.

2. Insect Fast Food

Insect Fast Food

Do this prank in the presence of guardians because it may cause abuse and cursing.

Make a tray of your sister’s best dishes.

However, add a little something extra to it. Purchase a few imitation cockroaches and flies and mix them in with the meal.

Cover it with plastic wrap and set it out for your sister to dig into. She’ll run in horror and disgust as soon as she takes off the lid.

Make sure the insects aren’t overdone, so it doesn’t look phony. It will only take a few to get the job done.

3. Tattooed Footwear

Every day, girls wear their favorite pair of sandals and shoes. They wear it constantly because they simply can’t get enough of it.

This is the best way to pull out this crime. Apply black shoe polish on the interior of her favorite sandals or shoes.

Let her move about in them. When she returns home and takes off her shoes, prepare ready to hear the greatest scream you’ve ever heard.

She won’t know how the black polish ended up all over her feet.

4. Caught you Brown Handed

Caught you Brown Handed

Another fun but messy trick to play on sisters is to give them a spoonful or two of delicious sticky peanut butter.

Sneak into your sister’s room and daub some peanut butter inside the cabinet and drawer handles.

She will get peanut butter all over her hands if she pulls on one handle. She’ll be incensed, but later she might look forward to licking her fingers.

If she hates it, she won’t be able to get rid of it easily.

5. You Got Tanned

It’s ideal to play this cruel joke on your sister while you’re on vacation since it will turn her into a zebra.

Your sister’s body lotion cream can be combined with self-tanning lotion. You don’t need to mix it in very much because that gives the skin a “zebra” appearance.

When your sister first applies the lotion, she won’t notice anything out of the ordinary; however, once the tanning lotion starts to work, both she and anybody else who comes into contact with her will.

Do this over the holidays because she won’t want to leave looking like a brown Marty.

6. Long-Lasting Polish

Long-Lasting Polish

Nail paint is a common accessory among women, making it an easy tool for playing practical jokes.

Add a couple drops of food coloring to your sister’s favorite nail polish.

You only need 2 or 3 drops, but make sure the polish and coloring match (red coloring to red polish).

Once she removes the polish, the color will persist a few days longer than usual. She won’t know what’s happening and probably won’t use the polish anymore.

This is a hilarious practical joke to pull on sisters who steal nail polish.

7. To be Continued

This is another prank to do on Your Sister

Females like to read more than boys do. This makes pulling a practical joke on your sibling simple. Check out what she’s reading right now to see how far she’s come.

If she’s just getting started or is far into the prank, you’ll have to wait a little longer. Therefore, this is what you need to do.

Simply take hold of the book and carefully tear the final two pages out.

“To be continued…” is a suitable way to end your sentence. She won’t be able to discern if it is the real end or a ruse.

8. Wake up Sis

Wake Up Sis

These pranks to do on your sister will be best if your sister stays up late or she typically sleeps in late? This prank is for you if such is the case.

Before she goes to bed, gather all the clocks you can. Buy clocks with alarms built in.

Starting around 3:30 a.m., set each clock alarm to go off five minutes after the one before it.

She is uncertain where to look because you placed the clocks throughout the room.

You must pretend to be sleeping so that she has to silence the alarms on her own.

9. Arachnophobia


Another prank to do on your sister is Arachnophobia.

Many of the girls we know are frightened of bugs and other creepy insects.

It takes only a few seconds for a spider to make a girl cry, therefore it takes considerable cleverness to use this to your advantage.

Buy or obtain a sizable toy spider that appears to be real. Then, start browsing for your sister’s preferred purse or pocketbook.

Put the spider on top of her phone or her cosmetic bag.

When she gets inside, she will probably scream and start to cry. Please refrain from inserting a real one; else, you will need to take your sister to the hospital.

10. Oily Hair

Oily Hair

Girls love their hair and will go the extra mile to keep it healthy.

Add a few drops of baby oil to the shampoo bottle that belongs to your sister. Mix it up well so they don’t figure it out.

Although baby oil is good for hair, your sister’s hair will always be oily after using it. It’s essential to utilize the last of the shampoo to avoid upsetting your sister.

Make sure she has access to shampoo so she can wash the oil off.

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11. Hell with Alarms

Hell with Alarms

Who wants to be bothered by bothersome alarms while they are trying to sleep peacefully? No one would desire that.

That’s exactly why these pranks to do on your sister are on this list.

Wait until your sister starts to doze asleep. She is safe in her dream world, and her alarm clock is set for three in the morning.

Change the time, for instance, from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. Watch her reaction when she gets up to silence the alarm and chuckle heartily.

12. Fragile Gift

This one ought to be the winner, at the very least. Pick up a big box, then decorate it liberally.

Place one small box inside the other, then the second small box within the first.

You are welcome to repeat this process a few more times. In the smallest box, carefully wrap a painted stone.

Don’t forget to cushion it by stuffing it with newspaper.

Remember to also indicate that the present is delicate. Have a hearty chuckle as you watch her response.

13. A Healthy Twist on McDonald’s

Get some chicken nuggets from Mcdonald’s. When you come home, take the nuggets out and replace them with carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, and celery.

Ask your sister to have a snack at the kitchen table if they are famished.

They won’t be astonished to see only healthy goods along their path, will they? You are such a nice sibling, always thinking about the welfare of your family.

14. To Brownie or not to Brownie?

Who does not enjoy a warm brownie? Create brownie imitations to mislead your relatives. In a pan, spread out enough clean sponges to completely cover the area.

To create the illusion that you have cooked a pan of desserts, cover the sponges in chocolate icing.

Put some sprinkles on the chocolate-covered sponges and encourage your siblings to eat one each.

This is a good prank to do on your sister.

15. Leave them Thirsty

Give a tall, frosty drink of Jell-O to your sister or brother. Make a Jell-O pitcher and empty the ingredients into cups. Put a straw in each cup and put them in the refrigerator to freeze up.

Give your brother something to drink as they come in from a heated game of basketball.

Enjoy the look of confusion and hunger that will spread over their faces when the beverage does not live up to what they expected.

16. Stack them with Food

Your sleeping sibling or brother is a picture of peace and harmony.

Play a fun game on top of their heads while they’re unconscious.

Put thin slices of bread, crackers, biscuits, or anything else flat and light on the side of your sibling’s face or forehead, assuming they are sleeping peacefully.

Be sure to capture every detail by snapping pictures of your prank in action.

17. “Bug” them Royally

"Bug" Them Royally

To terrify your loved ones to death, all you need are a few plastic bugs that look incredibly real.

For a few dollars, you can have a lot of fun hiding frightful insects in places where your siblings wouldn’t look for them.

It’s a good idea to put a plastic insect under your sister’s pillow or on top of your brother’s pile of mashed potatoes.

Make sure your brother or sister isn’t looking when you hide the creepy-crawly lookalike and sprint ahead if you know they’ll follow up this practical joke with a full-speed attack directed at you.

These pranks to do on your sister will really scare her.

18. Wake them up Real Fast

Tickling their toes when they are sound asleep is not a good idea. If you want to fool your sibling, act the part.

When they awaken, they don a frightful mask and crawl under their bed.

Once they put their feet on the floor to begin their day, grab their ankle or abruptly reveal your face while wearing a mask to shock them.

(Avoid doing this with young siblings or really sensitive siblings who might not be able to handle a sudden surprise.)

19. Confuse them with the Day of their Birth

Confuse Them With the Day of Their Birth

If you haven’t told their sibling they are adopted at least ONCE, are you even a brother or sister? To take the joke to a new level, fake their birth certificate.

It is possible to print false birth certificates on many websites. Now all you have to do is click print and complete the necessary fields.

Put them somewhere that your sibling can’t ignore them. Sit back and wait for their “Moooooooom!”.

20. Play Some Dress up on a Big Day for them

Is this your brother or sister’s first time welcoming their boyfriend or girlfriend home? Such a treat for a joker like you, my goodness.

Engage the whole family in some dress-up fun and turn your parents and siblings into strange human beings.

Wait for your brother or sister to run down to meet their love interest and realize that their family is everything but traditional as you sit on the couch.

21. Capitalize on Something (or Someone) they Despise

Is there a member of the entertainment world that your sibling absolutely detests?

Since that you can now use this information against them, they shouldn’t have ever revealed it to you.

Make little copies of the individual who stalks your brother or sister’s dreams and stick them all throughout the house.

There is never any unused space for these pranks to do on your sister.

Considering that this prank is a present that keeps on giving, think about where they’ll be looking in the coming days and weeks.

Check out this amazing sibling’s actor-infused piece of art.

22. Everything in the Fridge is Watching you

With the addition of a packet of googly eyes, everything in the refrigerator will appear creepy.

Put a pair of eyes on everything, including cheese blocks, milk, and apples.

They will carefully examine any meal that your sibling picks up. This is easy, amusing, and risk-free, and it will make your sibling or brother smile.

23. The Good Old Plastic on the Shampoo Bottle Trick

Your parents probably used to play this age-old prank on their own siblings. After opening the shampoo and conditioner bottles, wrap them in plastic wrap.

Wait for the following sibling to join you in the shower while you reattach the top. They will be confused and frustrated when they try to wash their hair.

At some time, they’ll almost likely squeeze the bottle firmly, forcing the entire contents to leak out.

24. Slowly Replace them

The best prank jokes sometimes need a certain degree of patience.

When they finally admit who they are, the joke is funnier because it transcends the hoax’s original day.

Start slowly replacing your sibling’s photo with those of a random television actor.

Don’t replace all the photographs at once; instead, replace a few here and there, until no image of their face remains in the home.

25. Mess with the Logins and Contacts

Mess with the Logins and Contacts

Tweak the family Netflix account login information for your siblings. Replace their name with anything amusing and change the password.

Choose a username that indicates your position in the Prank War hierarchy, such as Princess Prankwar.

Change all of your sibling’s contacts to Lady Gaga or Ariana Grande if you know their smartphone’s password.

26. Swap the Condiments

Does your brother have his daily ham sandwich with mustard or does your sister add a teaspoon of sugar to her oatmeal?

The condiments that your brother consumes the most should be replaced with pranks to do on your sister.

Salt, salt, and ranch dressing can all be placed in a mustard jar instead of a sugar bowl. Nobody will receive the dinner they had hoped for.

27. Offer Her a Donut Surprise

When your sister has friends around for a sleepover, you can play this amusing joke on her as well.

Purchase a dozen cream-filled donuts, and then use a large syringe to remove the cream. then substitute mayonnaise for the cream.

When your sister and her friends arrive for breakfast in the morning, they’ll believe your parents have given them a wonderful gift. Get your camera ready to record their initial nibbles!

Alternatively, buy jelly-filled donuts and replace the jelly with barbecue sauce: disgusting!

28. Prepare a Caramel “Treat” for your Sister

This trick for Halloween is excellent. The plate of caramel “apples” you placed out on the counter is too irresistible for your sister.

This practical joke involves some planning but isn’t that challenging:

One raw onion will seem suspect, so peel a couple and poke a popsicle stick into the end of each one.

A 14-ounce bag of individually wrapped caramel candies should be unwrapped.

Melt the candies in a microwave-safe bowl with 2 tablespoons of milk (about two minutes, stirring once or twice).

After dipping the onions in the caramel and making sure they are well covered, place them in the refrigerator until they are hard.

29. Prepare a Surprise Hair Treatment for your Sister

Here’s a suggestion for a funny shower gag. Instead of your sister’s favored shampoo, they can use honey.

When she’s ready to wash up, her hair will be a tangled, sticky mess!

It should be possible to squeeze the honey “shampoo” out of the bottle.

To reach the desired consistency, consider mixing it with some water or even a tiny amount of shampoo or conditioner.

But make sure the majority of it is still honey!

30. Help your Sister Get the Perfect Blow-out

Your sister would want to do something nice about it once she has finally cleaned all the junk out of her hair that you earlier played a joke on her with.

The surprises, though, are still ongoing. While she’s in the shower, add a tiny quantity of baby powder to the blow nozzle. dryer’s (or the night before).

As she turns it on, a powdery mist will be sprayed all over her!

She’s currently back in the shower. As an alternative to baby powder, try Bentonite Clay. You’ll be laughing while she is angry.

31. Give your Sister a Tan

This is a great prank to do on your sister, especially if she has a daily sunscreen obsession.

It’s also really easy. Simply empty her regular lotion bottle and swap it out for one that self-tans.

After a few days, she’ll be surprised as to why her complexion has altered!

To be even more inventive, try doing this with her body lotion and face moisturizer.

She’ll figure it out before it works if you can’t find a self-tanning lotion that smells like her regular moisturizer.

32. Flip Her Room

Flip Her Room

This practical joke takes a little longer to prepare and is a bit more subtle than the others, but it is still quite evil.

Completely remodel your sister’s room when she’s not there.

Change the position of her bed, all the items on her dresser, her closet, and other items in the room if, for instance, her bed is on the left side of the room.

Assuming that’s how everything started, make sure everything is folded, nice, and organized, but in the opposite direction.

When your sister asks who rearranged her room, pretend you have no idea what she is talking about.

When playing practical jokes on friends, relatives, or strangers, keep in mind that the goal is to make people laugh, not to make them cry.

 Do nothing that puts another person in danger of being physically hurt or emotionally scarred.

You are the one who knows your siblings best, including their sense of humor and what they can and cannot tolerate.

Frequently Asked Questions

 It all depends on what your sister isn’t aware of. Do one that your sister has never heard of! If you don’t, your sister will simply figure it out. Choose any music she hasn’t heard before.

The daughter of your sister is called your niece

It is up to the person to choose whether it is normal, but it is not abnormal. Many people (both males and girls) flirt with their sisters; but when the sister flirts back, it can become something serious for both parties.

Wait until they have a significant piece of work to submit to the school. Get access to their computer after that. Log in to your account and hide the homework file in a maze of folders.

Give your sibling a treat. Help your sibling out. Congratulate your sibling. Together, play your sibling’s preferred game.

Due to their lack of understanding of the habits or activities that irritate you, your sibling may unintentionally annoy you. Talk to them about the right boundaries for you to avoid that. After your chat, if they continue to act in that manner, go to your parents and urge them to step in.

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Depende lo que está preguntando. Cuando está usando algo singular se usa “does your” y se usa “do your” cuando está preguntando de algo plural. Por ejemplo seria “Do your parents like coffee?” O “Does your mom like coffee.” Ojalá que le pude ayudar.

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She’s porn again.

More than 15 years after quitting a kinky career in adult entertainment to become a nurse, busty beauty Sadie Summers is stepping back in front of the camera — and she can’t wait to resume her old life.

“Doing porn’s the best job in the world,” the 38-year-old healthcare professional enthused in an interview with The Post on Thursday. “I’ve never been ashamed of my sexuality. “

"Doing porn's the best job in the world," the 38-year-old enthused in an interview with The Post on Thursday. "I've never been ashamed of my sexuality. "

The luscious lifesaver made her X-rated debut way back in 2005, long before PornHub and OnlyFans were part of the everyday vernacular.

“The majority of my movies were coming out on DVD, nothing was really on the internet,” the Canada-born blonde recalled.

“I remember back in the day we would have to go check out what magazines we were in by going to the sex shops and picking them off the shelves… It was a way different time.”

Summers shot 70 frisky flicks before leaving the industry in 2008.

She worked several seasons on the ski slopes of Whistler, British Columbia, before deciding to head to nursing school.

Summers' coming again: The blonde bombshell is ack on set, making X-rated movies after a 15 year break.

“I wanted to prove to myself I could get a degree,” the Jill-of-all-trades explained. “I worked as a nurse for a long time. I’m still licensed and I still do work occasionally because I like it.”

In 2016, Summers met the man who would go on to become her husband. They wed in 2018 and welcomed a son three years ago.

Ironically, it was after she settled into a life of domestic bliss that the self-described “exhibitionist” found herself compelled to get back in front of the camera.

The mom-of-one returned to studio productions last year — and hasn't looked back.

Summers and her husband set up an OnlyFans following the Covid pandemic and quickly amassed an army of amorous followers.

The sexy star’s spouse subsequently probed whether she might make a more professional comeback.

“He asked me if I would ever start working with other performers again,” the adult actress told The Post. “I just got really excited about the idea.”

ummers says she's "big in the MILF world" and isn't worried about re-entering a notoriously ageist industry in her late 30s.

The mother-of-one returned to studio productions last year — and has already notched up a number of new titles.

“There’s nothing like being on set, I absolutely love it…. there’s something really magical about making movies,” Summers swooned. “I love the creative process.”

And while Summers’ professional background means she could easily lean into the naughty nurse sub-genre, she says she’s not interested in capitalizing on that kink.

"There's nothing like being on set, I absolutely love it.... there's something really magical about making movies," Summers swooned. "I love the creative process."

“It would be so hard for me to incorporate that… I want to keep separation,” the horny healer explained, particularly since she hasn’t entirely closed the door on that part of her life.

Plus, there are plenty of other kinks to explore — Summers says she’s “big in the MILF world,” just one reason why she’s not worried about re-entering a notoriously ageist industry in her late 30s.

In fact, the mammary-flaunting mom is playing up her age, currently appearing in an X-rated flick titled “Mama’s House, Part 1.”

The busty beauty has already notched up multiple new titles since her return, including one X-rated flick titled "Mama's House, Part 1."

“Everybody looks at porn and sex work like it’s a young girl’s game and, yes, when you hit 25, most people will start calling you a MILF,” she joked. “But there’s so many women who are older that do this.”

“The options are unlimited.”

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"Doing porn's the best job in the world," the 38-year-old enthused in an interview with The Post on Thursday. "I've never been ashamed of my sexuality. "


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Don't Settle For Boring Pranks — Try These 65 April Fools' Day Ideas To Troll Everyone Around You

Get ready to crack up this April.

Elena Hernandez

BuzzFeed Staff

Are you a fan of April Fools' Day? We've rounded up a list of all the best harmless jokes for you to use this April. From mayonnaise-filled donuts to kitchens full of googly eyes, there's bound to be something to make you giggle.

1. tape a photo of nic cage, shrek , or whomever else you want to the top of the copier..

Photo of Nicolas Cage taped on top of inside cover of copier machine, making a playful expression

You'll want to place it opposite the side where people usually place their paper so that their paper doesn't cover it entirely. With proper placement, hopefully Nic's crazy eyes will be peering just over the bottom edge of their document.

2. Superglue a pizza box closed, then try to keep a straight face as your target struggles to get the box open.

Stack of pizza boxes with "Hot & Fresh PIZZA Made Just for You!" written on them

To make this prank especially convincing, do two things: 1) Put something like a cutting board inside the box to weigh it down, and 2) order an actual pizza so the house smells like the real deal (and so you can give them a slice post-prank)!

3. Remember when Jim pranked Dwight on The Office by putting his stapler in jello? Well, you can pull the same prank!

A transparent gelatin dessert with a stapler suspended inside, surrounded by a variety of food items on plates

Instead of using a stapler, try using a toy or keys.

4. Here's a gross one: If you rip up a toilet paper roll, wet it, and then mash it together, it looks exactly like, well...

View this photo on Instagram

Leave the mashed-up toilet paper roll on the edge of the toilet seat for maximum impact.

5. Make a plate of "sponge cakes."

Plate of frosted cake squares with sprinkles; background shows a bottle of sprinkles, a sponge pack, and a frosting container

Two things: 1) Use new sponges straight out of the package, of course, and 2) you should probably do this one with kids who are grade school age or older.

Learn how to pull it off at Instructables . Oh, and have a real brownie on hand to swap out for the prank one!

6. Speaking of baked goods, you can always pull the classic "There's a pan of brown E's on the counter" prank.

Baking tray with cardboard capital letter E's

Make everyone in the office roll their eyes.

7. If you can, swap their autocorrect for something totally random.

Three people holding smartphones viewed from below

Swap commonly used abbreviations like "OMW" and play it off as if it's a bad software update.

8. Make your kids laugh by putting googly eyes on the food in your refrigerator.

An open fridge stocked with various food items, including cartons and bottles with googly eyes

9. Or get a little weirder and paste your family's faces on a dozen eggs the night before.

Sculptural art of three baby faces on eggshells in a small carton on a plain background

Then ask them to hand you a few as you make breakfast on April Fools' morning.

10. Paint a bar of soap with nail polish, then, once it dries, tell your kids to wash their hands with it before dinner.

Hand painting a layer of clear polish on a green bar of soap, next to an open polish bottle

The soap won’t lather, which should give your family a total headache.

11. Tell them you're worried that there's a leak in the shower.

Leek positioned on a gold-tone bathroom faucet, against a tiled wall

This one's hilarious.

12. Swap out family portraits for photos of your favorite actor.

My brother has been replacing family photos with pics of Steve Buscemi and my mom hasn't noticed — Mo (@claremaura) July 24, 2016

13. Replace hand sanitizer with lube.

Kroger brand personal lubricant next to a Purell hand sanitizer bottle on a desk

14. Hide bubble wrap under a rug and wait for your kid to step on it.

Person lifting corner of a textured rug to reveal wooden flooring underneath

Find this prank and others at Make It & Love It .

15. Bring home bags from your family's favorite fast-food restaurant...but fill them with veggies!

A bouquet of various cut vegetables, including asparagus, presented in a red fast-food container

Your family might not be happy, but you'll get a laugh at the sheer disappointment.

16. Swap out your family's toothpaste tube with Orajel.

Numb their mouths and make them confused! 

17. Create a sweet dinner surprise using cereal.

Sliced meatloaf on a wooden board with rosemary sprig, focus on texture

You basically crush up chocolate Rice Krispies and mix them with chocolate, shape them into a "meatloaf," then drizzle with a raspberry topping. If you want to try this at home, you can get a full April Fools' Day menu of recipes from the Stay at Home Chef ! 

18. Put lotion on your target's doorknob so they can't open it.

Woman opening a door, smiling, focus on door handle

To play it safe, put the lotion outside the door so your target can't get inside. Listen and laugh as they struggle to twist the knob!

19. A classic sink prank: putting a rubber band on the sprayer handle.

Woman surprised by water spraying from kitchen sink, dressed in a blouse and skirt

Align the sprayer nozzle toward your target, put a rubber band on the handle to keep it down, and crack up laughing when they get soaked after turning on the water.

20. Wrap their car in the material of your choice.

Car covered in multicolored sticky notes and plastic wrap in a parking lot

Plastic wrap, wrapping paper, Post-it Notes, you name it!

21. Surprise someone by swapping Nerds for Pop Rocks.

Watch them be surprised by the popping candy!

22. Treat your victim to a slightly messy bathroom surprise.

A toilet with plastic wrap covering the top of the bowl

This one's kinda gross, but so funny.

23. Tell your family you made cake pops, then watch as they crunch into a Brussels sprout instead.

Chocolate-covered treats with sprinkles, some cut in half showing a green interior, in a container

The sprinkles really sell it.

24. Need more poop pranks in your life? Try making your family poop-shaped cookies.

Three chocolate cookies stacked on a plain surface

The pranking possibilities are huge. For example, if you have a dog, angrily point out to your kid that the dog pooped in the house, then pick up the poop and eat it! Find the recipe for these cookies at Gina Kirk . It's as simple as molding the still-warm cookies into little poop shapes.

25. You can also put a "giant beetle" (cut out from black paper) behind your target's lampshade.

Lampshade with a shadow of a huge spider

26. Serve up some ice cream — minus the cream.

Hand holding an ice cream container  with just ice and water

This prank is fun because you get to eat the ice cream before you fill the carton with water and ice.

27. Swap out your family's orange juice with a stomach-turning mac 'n' cheese drink.

Bottle filled with an orange beverage with a metal straw next to halved oranges on a surface

Mix water with some mac 'n' cheese powder to create the most unexpected and gross "orange juice." The color is exactly the same, but the taste is most certainly not.

28. Try tricking your family into thinking you have an infestation problem by using a beetroot with a tail (or a potato and some string).

A rat scavenging food from a dirty plate in a cluttered sink

Tape a tiny piece of string to a potato and leave it on the counter, tucked away! From afar, it'll look like a rat!

29. Want a prank that will make your kid's heart race? Put a surprise in the mailbox.

Put a stuffed animal or balloon in the mailbox to scare whoever opens it!

30. You can also use gelatin to make an unusual glass of milk.

Glass of milk on a wooden table with sunlight casting shadows

This “milk” is actually quite tasty. Learn how to make it at Ben & Birdy .

31. Draw a spider on the toilet paper in your bathroom.

Use a pen to lightly draw the fake spider on the toilet paper and listen to your family freak out!

32. Give your kid a fortune cookie with a prank fortune.

A broken fortune cookie with the visible paper fortune on a white background

Getting a fortune cookie open — so you can put your message inside — is actually surprisingly easy (if you have a microwave). Learn how here .

33. Set out a bowl filled with a mix of M&M's, Skittles, and Reese's Pieces.

Bowl of candy-coated chocolate candies with an angry note about replacing original contents

Try not to laugh when you see your family member throw back a handful.

34. Looking for a prank that's a little more extreme? Make candied apples with onions.

Caramel apples with sticks on a tray, depicted up close

Make some real candied apples at the same time so that — after the prank is over — you can reward your good sport with the real deal.

35. Put some "melted ice cream" or a "spilled drink" on a prized possession.

Learn how to DIY an impressive-looking splatter (which won’t harm your kid’s computer or anything else) at Studio DIY . It looks exactly like a spilled drink — even you'll be surprised!

36. Switch the bags inside two boxes of cereal.

Then enjoy watching your kid realize their sugary cereal is actually Dad's boring bran flakes.

37. Try the classic mayo-stuffed donuts prank!

A variety of donuts with different icings and toppings are shown on a wooden surface

Hollow out the inside of some donuts and fill them with mayo!

38. Put a “Sold” sign in your front yard.

Black "Sold" stamped over a red "For Sale" sign in front of a house

39. Sew one of your target's socks closed halfway down.

Sewing machine stitching a white sock, needle in mid-motion

If you’re the crafty type, this prank will leave you in stitches.

40. Serve up some "spider chip cookies.”

Cookie with chocolate chips arranged to resemble spiders; text suggests using toothpick to draw legs while the chips are still warm

For extra fun, tell your kid an hour or so before serving them that you found a bunch of spiders in the kitchen that morning.

41. Put a few dye pellets under the cap of your faucet.

Unscrew the cap to the faucet, put a pellet from an Easter egg kit under it, then screw the cap back on. This will make colored water come out.

42. Replace Cheetos with carrots.

Open the bag from the bottom, swap the Cheetos for carrot sticks or baby carrots, then glue it back together. 

43. Fill your kid's bedroom — or bathroom — with balloons.

Room filled with multicolored balloons of various sizes

Watch as they open the door to a rainbow full of balloons! This one's a lot cuter and great for parties or celebrations, too.

44. Text a GIF of the "typing" symbol to make your friends wait for a response that never comes.

The GIF should auto-play so it'll look as if you're typing forever. You can save the GIF to your phone here .

45. Put a note on someone's car that says "Sorry about the damage, had to leave" and watch them look all over for the nonexistent damage.

Blank piece of paper on a car's windshield

46. Buy a ton of rubber ducks and hide them.

Rubber duck toy on a plain background

Pick one friend or family member and start hiding the ducks everywhere that person might find them: cupboards, drawers, desks, car glove boxes. The sky's the limit!

47. Bring a totally normal box of cookies or another delicious food in to work, and leave it out with a sign that says "April Fools!"

Watch everyone try to figure out what you did to it.

48. Fill a mayonnaise jar with yogurt or vanilla pudding and eat it with a spoon in front of people.

Jar of mayonnaise with a spoon inside on a white background

You could also do blue Gatorade in a bottle of Windex, but you'd have to make sure you cleaned the bottle VERY thoroughly.

49. Hide battery-powered alarm clocks throughout their room.

Person in bed reaching out to silence digital alarm clock reading 6:28

At least they'll be up in time!

50. Print this out and tape it next to your office's printer.

Graphic showing Canon's VoiceOver technology steps for voice commands to use a printer; summarizes three easy steps and a learning module

Then sit back and enjoy as people yell at the printer all day.

51. Hide a baby monitor or walkie-talkie in a closet or ceiling and meow into it.

Handheld two-way radio with antenna and digital display

You could also whisper or make ghost noises into it, but meowing will probably freak them out less. Plus, then they'll go looking around for a cat.

52. Start placing pennies in random spots where the person will find them. Then start placing more and more pennies.

Open glass jar filled with US pennies, more scattered around it

Start with just one penny per day. Place them somewhere normal, like on a desk or on the floor. Then start placing more pennies and get weirder. Put them in the bathroom or under a pillow. And, of course, pretend that you have no idea what's happening.

53. Rearrange your roommate's dresser drawers. For added effect, continue to do it over time.

A kitchen dresser with various small items, next to a window with natural light

If you want to be a little more evil, take one article of clothing and put it in a different drawer, then escalate over time.

54. Screenshot their desktop, remove all of their icons, then set the screenshot as the background.

You can either do this on a computer, or you can do it on a phone by moving all the icons onto a different page or putting them all in a folder. They'll try tapping or clicking on the icon they want, but to no avail! *evil laugh*

55. Make Mentos ice cubes for the soda-loving person in your life.

Ice cube tray half-filled with frozen cubes

Be prepared — this one takes a while!

56. Hide a few green tomatoes with the green apples at a grocery store.

Bins of red and green apples displayed for sale

Don't they look alike? Be sure to put the produce back in the right spot so as not to confuse the store attendants!

57. Fill one jelly donut with sriracha and watch your friends play dessert roulette.

Box of round pastries next to a hot sauce bottle with a label "Happy April Fools Day"

Or leave all of them untouched for an even funnier laugh.

58. Place a container of sauce inside someone's drink for a spicy surprise.

This works best with a takeout cup. Open a packet of hot sauce at the bottom of the cup, put the straw in it, and put on the lid!

59. Place a chicken bouillon cube inside a showerhead and wait for hilarity to ensue.

Water flowing from a showerhead in a bathroom

They'll be so confused and grossed out by the smell of chicken!

60. Do a simple condiment label swap for a very easy laugh.

A ketchup pump dispenser with the label "KETCHUP" on it, positioned over a stainless steel container

Either fill ketchup and mustard bottles with the wrong condiments, or swap the labels on dispensers!

61. Replace someone's gum with Play-Doh for a really fresh joke.

Collage of chewed items by a dog, including Orbit gum, Play-Doh, and a Diet Coke can

62. Put a whoopee cushion under someone's chair.

A whoopee cushion with "WHOOPEE CUSHION" text, checkered pattern on top, inflated on white background

Such a classic.

63. Put a piece of plastic at the opening of shampoo bottles so that none comes out.

Person pouring liquid soap onto their hand over a sink

Another classic, but so easy!

64. Put a tiny piece of tape on the sensor of a TV remote controller — make sure it matches the color of the remote!

Person holding a remote control with an out-of-focus TV screen in the background

The person trying to watch TV won't have a signal to turn it on. They'll try to swap out the batteries and be confused. 

65. Swap the salt and sugar.

Salt shaker and sugar dispenser on a checkered tablecloth in a diner setting

Be sure to keep track of which is which yourself — they're so easy to confuse!

This article contains content from Crystal Ro, Andy Golder, Mike Spohr, Natalie Brown, and Mallory McInnis. 

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Conjoined Twin Abby Hensel of Abby & Brittany Privately Married Josh Bowling

Here's an update on conjoined twins and former reality stars abby and brittany hensel: abby is a married woman..

Remember conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel ? They're all grown up and have expanded their family.

In fact, Abby has actually been married for several years, tying the knot with Josh Bowling in 2021, Today reported March 27, citing public records. The 34-year-old twins now live in Minnesota with Josh, who describes himself on his Facebook page as a "father, veteran, nurse."  

Brittany and Abby—who were born in raised in Minnesota—first shared their life story in 1996 on The Oprah Winfrey Show . In 2012, the two offered fans a closer glimpse at their lives and rare condition with their own reality show, Abby & Brittany on TLC. The sisters, who are dicephalus conjoined twins, were born fused together at the torso and remain so as adults. They have separate spinal cords, brains, hearts and other organs but share those located below the waist. Brittany controls the left side of their body, while Abby controls the right.

The twins graduated from Bethel University in 2012 and in recent years, they have worked as teachers at an elementary school in their home state.

While the sisters have spoken about many aspects of their lives on-camera as teens, they have kept their love lives private and shied away from the spotlight for more than a decade.

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"The whole world doesn't need to know who we're dating," Brittany said on the 2006 documentary Joined for Life: Abby & Brittany Turn 16 , "or what we're gonna do and everything."

However, they have expressed interest in having kids.

"Yeah, we're going to be moms," Brittany said on the documentary. "We haven't thought about how being moms is going to work yet."

Read on to learn more about Abby and Brittany. 

(E! News and  Today  are part of the NBCUniversal family.)

Abby and Brittany’s Surprise Arrival

Abby and Brittany were born on March 7, 1990. Their mother, Patty Hensel , shared in a 2007 documentary Extraordinary People: The Twins Who Share a Body that she only expected to deliver one baby when she gave birth based on scans. Abby and Brittany were initially born with three arms, but had one removed as it wasn’t functional. 

Patty and her husband Mike Hensel were told Abby and Brittany were inseparable as babies. And while Patty explained that separation may have been possible as the girls matured, the parents chose to keep them conjoined as they were able to live a full, healthy life together.

"We never wish we were separated," Abby and Brittany both explained in the 2007 documentary. "Because then we wouldn't get to do the things we can do—play softball, meet new people, run." 

A Singular Bond 

In the 2007 documentary, Abby and Brittany explained that they are often able to anticipate what the other will say when curating an email or online message. In fact, they tend to refer to themselves as one person, unless they disagree. In those cases, they'll say "Abby says" or "Brittany says."

They also now share singular social media accounts, which are private and mostly inactive. 

Abby and Brittany Understand the Curiosity—To a Point

Abby and Brittany have long expressed their understanding of people's curiosity toward their life. Still, they admitted to feeling frustration at the reaction they’re met with in public, especially people taking their photo without permission.

“We absolutely hate when people take pictures of us” Abby explained in 2007. “And we will throw a fit about it, and make them embarrassed.”

Additionally, while doctors were curious about their health and growing process as children, Mike and Patty Hensel did not allow any unnecessary tests be done on their daughters. Brittany and Abby also said the doctor's office was their least favorite place to go at the time. 

“While they are unique, the family wants to treat them like they are just like anyone else,” the family’s doctor Joy Westerdahl explained in 2007. “I have to be mindful of the family’s wishes not to get too involved.”

Abby’s Blended Family  

After marrying Josh Bowling , a nurse and veteran, Abby gained another family member—his 8-year-old daughter Isabella . The couple officially tied the knot on November 13, 2021. And while the news was shocking to the public, Abby and Brittany have always had starting a family on their minds.  

"Yeah, we're going to be moms," Brittany said in Joined for Life: Abby & Brittany Turn 16 in 2006. "We haven't thought about how being moms is going to work yet."

Their Foray Into Reality TV 

Now in their thirties, Abby and Brittany have maintained their privacy since Abby & Brittany aired in 2012. The one-season reality series depicted the young women's lives as they wrapped up college and entered into adulthood. 

Life Outside the Spotlight 

Abby and Brittany began working as a teacher shortly after graduating college. When they were initially hired, they shared they were not in a salaried position, but were given separate contracts, and split their pay.

They currently teach fifth grade together at an elementary school in Minnesota. 

“Math and science is kind of my strong point,” Abby explained on an episode of Abby & Brittany . “Where Brittany is more focused on the language arts, reading—stuff like that.”

1. Where___ your sister work?

2. You can turn the radio off. I ______to it.

am listening

am not listening

is not listening

doesn’t listen

In this photo my sister ______ a white dress.

are wearing

A: What are you doing? B: – I_____ a text message to Sarah.

1. Learn by heart the poem

“ My childhood

My childhood was fun,  tough and exciting. My childhood was one  where there wasn't much fighting. This was my childhood.

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‘Abby & Brittany’ Alum ​and Conjoined Twin Abby Hensel Privately Married Husband Josh Bowling


‘Abby & Brittany’ Alum ​and Conjoined Twin Abby Hensel Privately Married Husband Josh Bowling

Octomom Nadya Suleman Children

Conjoined twin Abby Hensel , who rose to fame while starring on Abby & Brittany alongside sister Brittany Hensel , found love and privately married Josh Bowling .

Abby, 34, and Josh tied the knot in 2021 , according to public records viewed by Today on Wednesday, March 27. The couple currently lives in the twins’ native Minnesota, and Josh describes himself as a “father, veteran, nurse” on his Facebook profile.

Despite previously starring on reality TV , Abby has made sure to keep most details of her relationship with Josh out of the spotlight. It’s not clear how they met or how long they dated before getting married. Additionally, the couple has not explained how Abby’s conjoined twin plays into the dynamic.

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The public first learned about Abby and Brittany’s lives as conjoined twins when they made headlines for a 1996 interview. They continued to share a glimpse into their lives with the rare condition when Abby & Brittany aired on TLC in 2012.

They also opened up in the 2006 documentary Joined for Life: Abby & Brittany Turn 16 , in which they shared their hopes for the future. “ We’re going to be moms ,” Brittany said at the time. “We haven’t thought about how being moms is going to work yet.”

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Abby and Brittany are dicephalus conjoined twins, which the National Library of Medicine defines as a rare condition when conjoined twins are “fused side-by-side with a shared pelvis.” The sisters have separate hearts, spinal cords, brains and other organs. However, they share other organs that are located below the waist. Brittany has full control of the left side of their body, and Abby controls the right side.


Deal of the Day

During their reality show , viewers watched the twins navigate common experiences including learning how to drive and taking their road test. In one episode, Abby was seen controlling the right side of the steering wheel as Brittany held on to the left. The twins had to work as a team and communicate as they navigated the vehicle.

‘Abby & Brittany’ Alum ​and Conjoined Twin Abby Hensel Privately Married Husband Josh Bowling

Following their graduation from Bethel University in 2012, the twins began working as teachers at an elementary school in Minnesota. Both Abby and Brittany obtained their own teaching license, though they explained they still share a paycheck due to teaching the same classes.

“Obviously, right away, we understand that we are going to get one salary because we’re doing the job of one person,” Abby told BBC regarding the way they were paid in 2013. “As maybe experience comes in, we’d like to negotiate a little bit, considering we have two degrees and because we are able to give two different perspectives or teach in two different ways.”

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  1. Does your , do your and is your.

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  2. Where ______ ? A. your sister works B. your sister ...

    About GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the best way to kill your free time. Where ______ ? A. your sister works B. your sister work C. does your sister work D. do your sister work - Vocabulary Quiz.

  3. When to Use Do and Does, Questions and Negatives

    Negative sentences: do not (don't) and does not (doesn't) You also use do and does for negative sentences (so with not). This is easier than asking questions. Have a look at these sentences. If you only use not, it's not enough. These sentences have to have do or does. Again, do not is used for I, you, we, they.

  4. A1 English test 6

    1 Look at _____ men over there. Do you recognise them? a. are nices. b. smell nicely. c. smell nice. a. does your sister work? b. works your sister? c. does your sister works? 4 Which sentence is correct?

  5. sign language phrases

    08. "YOU LIKE YOUR WORK?" (Do you like your work?) 09. "YOU THINK I SIGN GOOD?" (Do you think I sign well?) 10. "HOW YOU SIGN "A-L-L"?" (How do you sign "all?") Practice Sheet: 03.C ... YOUR SISTER LIKE EGG? (Does your sister like eggs?) 19. SUPPOSE YOU EAT 3 HAMBURGER, WILL FULL YOU? (If you eat three hamburgers will you be full?) 20.

  6. PDF Grammar Intermediate 02

    Does your sister play tennis? C. You know that Lisa goes to the cinema a lot. You want to know how often. Ask her. Howoftendoyougotothecinema? D. You know that Lisa's brother works. You want to know what he does. Ask Lisa. What does your brother do? E. You're not sure whether Lisa speaks Spanish. You want to know. Ask her. Do you speak Spanish? F.

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    Have your sibling schedule their homework for a single block of time, before dinner, and without TV or other distractions. Don't wear yourself out with helping your sibling. Try to avoid helping with their homework every day; limit yourself to two or three days a week. 4.

  8. Present Simple

    Present Simple with to be — Negative — Exercise 1. Present Simple with to be — Negative — Exercise 2. Present Simple with to be — Negative — Short forms. English Grammar Exercise - Present Simple — Wh-question — Exercise 3|Put the words in the correct order to make Wh-questions.

  9. 20 Fun Things Things to Do With Your Sister At Least Once

    Connect on a different level. Share inside jokes that no one else understands. 11. Make something yummy. Bake something together and get batter everywhere, even the ceiling. 12. Listen to new tunes. If you hear a new song you love, share it with your sister for an impromptu dance party.

  10. Your

    Do I ask 'Do mother and sister work ?' or do I ask 'Do your mother and your sister work ?' Click to expand... I don't see how you'd say "mother and sister" in such a sentence, I don't think the indefinite would work. tr463 said:

  11. Do or does with your

    Sorted by: 3. Your first sentence is correct. This is the general structure: "I, You, We, They" + have / do. "He, She, It, a proper noun like John etc" + has / does. "Your mother" refers to "she", so you should use "doesn't". Your mother doesn't have a car. About your second question, "doesn't" is an auxiliary verb and we use the base form of ...

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    14. Go Bowling. Nothing screams retro fun like a bowling outing with your sister. Put on those not-so-attractive bowling shoes, grab a couple of beers, and see how many strikes you can get. To enhance your experience, go for cosmic bowling with lasers, music, and other special effects.

  13. Difference between does your sister and do your sister

    Second one is wrong sentence . It will be : Do your sisters ____?

  14. What is the difference between "What do you doing your sister?" and

    What does your sister do? is correct, and is usually asked when talking about a job or an action. E.g. 1 Person A: So, my sister has been helping out at the cafe this summer. Person B: What does your sister do (at the cafe)? Person A: She waits tables. E.g. 2 Person A: What does your sister do (for a living)? Person B: She's an accountant.

  15. Grammar tests

    a. your sister works. b. your sister work. c. does your sister work. d. do your sister work. Answer choices . Tags . Answer choices . Tags . Explore all questions with a free account. Continue with Google. Continue with Microsoft. Continue with email. Continue with phone. Already have an account?

  16. 1A Indirect questions (WorkBook exercices) Flashcards

    What kind of work DOES YOUR SISTER DO? What kind of work _____? (complete: your sister / do) Who ATE the last biscuit? (also: Who HAS EATEN the last biscuit?) Who _____ the last biscuit? (complete: eat) Do you know what time THE SWIMMING POOL OPENS on a Saturday?

  17. Dónde trabaja tu hermana (does/do)

    spanish chile. Apr 8, 2018. #1. Hola! A veces me confundo cuando uso "does". Por ejemplo, cuando quiero preguntar: Dónde trabajan tus padres? -> Where do your parents work? Dónde trabaja tu hermana? -> Where DOES your sister work? No me queda claro como funciona el verbo "DO" antes de "YOUR", si hablo de un persona o cosa en particular uso DO ...

  18. what does your sister do or what does your sister?

    Regarding your sister, forget it. Your sister 's schooling is more important. Attina, take your sisters home. Your sister messed with a married man. I'm friends with your sister. Thanks to TextRanch, I was able to score above 950 on TOEIC, and I got a good grade on ACTFL OPIC as well. + Read the full interview.

  19. Super-fun Pranks to do on Your Sister that Actually Work

    4. Caught you Brown Handed. Another fun but messy trick to play on sisters is to give them a spoonful or two of delicious sticky peanut butter. Sneak into your sister's room and daub some peanut butter inside the cabinet and drawer handles. She will get peanut butter all over her hands if she pulls on one handle.

  20. Hola! Para el uso correcto de "Do" o "Does" con "your", el correcto

    Depende lo que está preguntando. Cuando está usando algo singular se usa "does your" y se usa "do your" cuando está preguntando de algo plural. Por ejemplo seria "Do your parents like coffee?" O "Does your mom like coffee." Ojalá que le pude ayudar. |@AllenCR Exacto!

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    3/22/24. She's porn again. More than 15 years after quitting her kinky career in adult entertainment, Sadie Summers is stepping back in front of the camera — and she's more excited than ever ...

  22. Does your sister work

    daffodil. Mostrar traducción. Subscríbete a la Palabra del día. Traduce does your sister work. Ver traducciones en inglés y español con pronunciaciones de audio, ejemplos y traducciones palabra por palabra.

  23. 65 April Fools' Day Pranks And Ideas

    A classic sink prank: putting a rubber band on the sprayer handle. Align the sprayer nozzle toward your target, put a rubber band on the handle to keep it down, and crack up laughing when they get ...

  24. Abby & Brittany: Conjoined Twin Abby Hensel Is Married

    Abby's Blended Family. After marrying Josh Bowling, a nurse and veteran, Abby gained another family member—his 8-year-old daughter Isabella. The couple officially tied the knot on November 13 ...

  25. 1. Where___ your sister work?

    The family relationships. The family is very important as a unit in our society. A lot of activities help members of the family to be close and friendly. It is very important to visit relatives on holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and develop close relationship. It is also pleasant going on trips together, visiting museums, theaters ...

  26. Abby & Brittany's Conjoined Twin Abby Privately Married Josh

    News. Mar 28, 2024 10:13 am ·. By Katherine Schaffstall. Conjoined twin Abby Hensel, who rose to fame while starring on Abby & Brittany alongside sister Brittany Hensel, found love and privately ...